Rejected (Matt x Benjamin Burnley)

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Ben, I need to talk to you.

Matt hit send, immediately getting nervous. Matt likes Ben, he's had a crush on him since Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin toured together. Ever since, Matt has tried to get Ben's attention, it hasn't really worked.

Sure they joke around, mess around but Matt wanted something more with Ben. He only now plucked up the courage to tell him. Matt snapped out of his thoughts when his phone vibrates in his hand.

Sure, what's up?

I like you Ben. Like feelings for you, I wanna date you.

Matt couldn't believe he actually done it, he told him. Matt waited for a reply. Seconds. Minutes passed. No reply. Matt threw his phone down and cried. He's ruined their friendship, he's ruined everything.

Matt curled up in bed, bringing his knees up to his chest, crying his heart out. What was he thinking? No one likes him, no one wants to date him. He's pathetic, thinking he has a chance with someone as beautiful and amazing as Benjamin Burnley. He cries himself to sleep.


Hours later, Matt opened his bloodshot eyes, sniffling as he slowly sits up, picking up his phone, he sees a text message. He opens it and reads it.

I like you as a friend, Matt. I'm sorry.

Matt knew this was the answer, he threw his phone across the room, screaming his lungs out. His eyes catch sight of his blood stained blade on his nightstand. He gets up and picks the blade up. He determinedly walks into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

No one will miss him. No one will even notice.

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