Hurt (Adam x Barry)

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Adam stumbles down the street, his hand trembling on his torso, blood slowly seeping through his fingers. Adam can only see out of one eye, his other eye was black and bruised, he had a busted lip, cuts and bruises all over his face and body. He was certain he had a couple cracked ribs.

Adam limped down the driveway with much difficulty, but got to the door. He had to kick the door open.

"Barry!" he called as he slumped against the door frame.

There was silence so he kept calling Barry's name. Eventually, a very sleepy Barry trudged down the stairs in just his boxers.

"Adam? Was that you? Where are you?" he called back.

Adam groaned as Barry turned a corner and saw Adam at the end of the hallway.

"Adam! What happened?" Barry ran over to Adam and helped him stand.

"Got beaten up. Took my wallet and phone. I shouldn't of opened my big mouth, I always end up starting fights, Barry. One day it's gonna kill me"

"Hey, don't talk like that. It's not your fault if people get offended when you speak your mind. Let's get you on the couch" Barry closed the door and locked it.

He put Adam's arm around his shoulders and held him by the waist, slowly helping him walk to the couch. The most painful and hard part was getting Adam on the couch, Barry moved Adam's feet onto the couch too.

"You're gonna have to up" Adam panted.

Barry's concerned face looked Adam over, noticing just how bad he was attacked. He slowly lifted his boyfriend's shirt up, only to see his entire front black and purple from all those kicks he received. There were a few cuts on Adam's abdomen, they weren't that deep but luckily Adam got away before more damage was done.

"Oh, Adzy. You could've been killed" Barry's voice cracked as he spoke.

Adam felt guilty, it's his fault he's putting his boyfriend through all this.

"You were lucky they didn't actually stab you" Barry spoke as he got the first aid kit and a bottle of whiskey.

"I know, Baz. I'm sorry" Adam looked away, ashamed.

"You're gonna wanna down some of this" he handed Adam the bottle.

Adam pulled a face after gulping down the whiskey, then gave the bottle back to Barry.

"This is gonna hurt like hell" Barry warned.

Adam braced himself as Barry poured the alcohol onto his cuts. Adam screamed and clutched the couch, trying to shrink away. Barry looked at him apologetically, then started the stitches. Adam cried and flinched away at each stitch.

"Shit! Ow, it hurts!"

"I know. I'm sorry, baby. But it has to be done. I'm nearly finished"

Barry finished up, then gently cleaned the blood off before bandaging Adam up. He went into the kitchen and came back with a clean shirt with painkillers and a glass of water.

Adam gladly accepted them, taking both tablets before drinking the water. Barry carefully helped Adam sit up to change his shirt. Once Adam has a clean shirt on, Barry took Gontier's shoes off.

"I'm not sleeping on the couch"

Barry huffed but difficultly picked Adam up, Barry went back into the kitchen and picked up an ice pack with one hand. Adam placed it over his black eye, flinching at the coldness and pain. Barry then slowly took him upstairs, placed him down on the bed and pulled the covers over him.

"Will you be fine whilst I'm at work?"

"Yeah yeah. Just go to work" Adam waved his hand dismissively and tiredly.

He yawned and slowly fell asleep, whilst Barry got ready for work.


"Damnit, Adam. You're not gonna heal if you don't rest"

"Yeah, well. You know I can't just sit here and do nothing" Adam nearly slipped whilst trying to get out of the shower.

Barry huffed as he helped Adam, wrapping him up in a soft towel, using another towel to dry Adam's hair.

It's been a few weeks since Adam was beaten up, and Adam is stubborn. He refuses to rest, saying stuff like 'I need to work to distract myself or I'll go crazy', Barry can't do anything about it. He dries Adam up and helps him get changed. Adam sits on the bed, then jumps as something was thrown at him. His wallet and phone.

"Where did you get these?"

Barry just snarls at him. "I took them when I beat you up"

"W-what?" Adam yelped as Barry threw him against a wall.

"That's right. I was the one that did it. I beat you half to death, I'm sick of you. All you do is whine and complain about everything. Now I'm gonna finish you off"

"N-no! That can't be true..." Adam was cut off to a knife in his throat.

He collapsed to the floor, spluttering blood as everything slowly,



Adam suddenly jolted upright, gasping and sweating. He was confused, in pain and scared. He then noticed he was still on the couch. The first aid kit and whiskey still on the floor, Adam looked down and saw a bandage where his cuts are.

Was that just a dream?

Barry walked in. "Oh my god, you're okay. You passed out as soon as I gave you the painkillers"

"Was it you? Did you beat me up?"

Barry felt hurt, he'd never hurt his boyfriend.

"What? No, why would you think that? I've been here all day. I love you, I'd never hurt you"

Adam looked in Barry's eyes and saw he was telling the truth.

"Sorry, had a dream that it was you. Then you killed me weeks later"

"Oh, Adam" Barry carefully pulled Adam into his lap, wrapping his arms around the smaller man. He played with Adam's hair. "It was just a dream"

Adam shivered, so Barry helps put a shirt on him. He took Adam to the bedroom and helped him into bed. He laid next to him, pulling Adam against his chest carefully.

Adam looked up at Barry, then smiled as he pushed strands of hair out from Adam's eyes. Adam winced as he tried to get comfy, sighing as he painfully fell asleep in his boyfriend's arms.

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