Curse (Adam x Neil)

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"Adam! Here boy!"

Neil heard barking and howling behind him so he turned around, as soon as he did he was jumped on by a huge black fluffy wolf. Neil fell to the floor as the wolf licked his face, making Neil laugh and giggle.

"Adam! Stop! Your whiskers tickle!"

Adam stopped and ran around Neil in circles, only to stop when Neil got up and called him over. Adam walked beside Neil as they left the park to head home. Every so often, Adam would nudge his head against Neil's leg, which made the human scratch him behind the ear.

When they got home, Neil took his shoes and jacket off, headed for the kitchen and picked up the water bowl. He filled it up and set it back down, Adam immediately licking up the water. As he did, Neil filled the food bowl with dog food. Adam turned his nose up at the food, until Neil sighed.

"C'mon Adam, I know it's not the same as normal food but you need to eat. Just have a little bit"

Adam hesitantly sniffed at the bowl before picking up a small amount. Neil made himself a cup of coffee as Adam ate, rubbing his face as he yawned. After his coffee was done, he walked into the living room and set his cup on the coffee table next to the couch. He sat down, his back against the arm as he put his feet up. Neil heard Adam pad into the living room before he jumped on the couch, in between Neil legs, his head resting gently on his torso. Neil closed his eyes, then heard a small whimper.

"I will find a way to lift the curse off you Adz, I promise but I can't right now. We have to wait for Brad to come back from Hell"

Adam lifted his head and cocked it to the side. Neil opened his eyes and looked at Adam.

"Brad's a demon, he can help. Though I don't know what he wants from me in return. I highly doubt he'll do this for free" Neil ran his fingers through Adam's fur, sighing again as he rubbed his face. "I'm sorry this has happened to you, baby. I just wish I could make this easier on you"

Adam let out a huffing noise, he was still human inside, he understood everything that was happening around him, his body was just a wolf because of the curse. He hates being like this, he can't say he loves Neil, or kiss him or even make love to him. He can't show how much he cares about Neil because of this stupid curse. But Adam knows Neil will fix things, he always does.

"There is one thing good about this. You can't answer back. So I'm always right" Neil gave Adam a grin.

Adam poked his tongue out, then watched as Neil reached over and grab his cup, taking a few sips of his coffee. I want coffee, Adam thought. Neil finished off the rest of his coffee, then put his cup back down.

"Y'know, you're actually pretty cute as a wolf, I could even say I like you better this way" he giggled. Adam just moved his head away. "I'm only joking with you. You know I prefer you human"

Neil motioned for Adam to move up, so he did, his head on Neil's chest. He wrapped his arms around the black furred creature, moving his head down to place a soft kiss to Adam's head. Adam barked softly, which made Neil smile as he knew exactly what Adam said.

"I love you too, baby. I promise we'll sort this out"

Adam suddenly turned over onto his back, showing his belly off, Neil laughed and scratched his belly. There suddenly was a loud noise and a flash, then Brad appeared, startling both of them.

"I have a spell. I just need some of his fur"

Adam jumped down from the couch, Neil doing the same and stood up. Adam cautiously walked over to the demon and sat in front of him. He yelped slightly as Brad plucked a small amount of fur, then proceeded to chant words in a different language as magic come out of his hands. There was a bright flash of light, almost blinding Neil, when he looked back he saw Adam stood there as a human again.

"Neil!" Adam ran over to Neil and jumped on him, smothering him in kisses. "I've missed you so much!"

"I missed you too baby"

Brad cleared his throat, making Adam turn towards him only for him to realise he's naked. Adam gasped, covering himself with his hands until a blanket was wrapped around him. Adam felt extremely embarrassed that a demon has seen him naked, Neil should be the only person who sees him like that. Adam turned to Neil and hid himself against him, burying his blushed covered face in Neil's neck.

"Now, your payment"

"Oh yeah. Uh what is it?"

"You Neil, you are mine now. You'll be coming to Hell with me. I'll have so much fun with you, so many things I'll do to you. Not just me, there's loads of demons that had their eye on such a fuckboy like you" Brad smirked.

"What? What do you mean? I'm not going with you just to be your bitch! I'm not doing anything like that, I'm not gonna do that to Adam"

"I can quite easily change him back. And it'll be permanent" Brad threatened.

"Neil it's okay. I don't want you to go either but I don't wanna be like that again, do this for me, you're saving me from the curse. Please?" Adam caressed his face.

Neil sighed deeply, rubbing his face again before reluctantly agreeing. Adam turned to Brad again.

"I swear if you hurt Neil in any way you'll have me to deal with. And I expect to have him back in one piece" he pointed his finger at the demon. "I'll find you Neil, I will get you back I promise. I love you so fucking much words can't describe it"

He pulled Neil in for a kiss, gently licking and nibbling at his bottom lip, Neil accepted, letting Adam explore his mouth one last time for awhile, lowly moaning as Adam grabs his head with both hands to deepen the kiss. They pull away for air, both breathless.

"I love you too, Adam. I'll be waiting for you to get me"

They hugged and said their goodbyes. Neil stood next to Brad, and in a loud flash they were both gone, leaving Adam standing there all alone.

"I will have you back Neil, mark my words" Adam whispered to himself.

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