Miracle (Adam x Matt)

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Matt: Hey babe I need to talk to you when you get back. Matt sends the text through.

Adam: I'm nearly home anyway. Adam texts back. Matt gets everything ready for Adam, taking deep breaths as he sees Adam walking up the driveway.

Matt kisses Adam as he comes in, smiling as he gets cuddled by his boyfriend. "So what's the big news?" he asked, being led into the kitchen by Matt.

"Please don't get mad, okay?"

"Why would I get mad at you Matt? I love you darling, I won't get mad. I promise" Adam replied. Matt nodded and stopped fiddling with his hoodie sleeve.

"Close your eyes and hold your hand out" Matt ordered. Adam smiled as he held his hand out, wondering what Matt was doing and closed his eyes.

Matt placed the item in Adam's hand. Adam opened his eyes and sees a...

Pregnancy test?

He looks up at Matt confused. "I don't understand"

"Remember last month when we were at Brad's for the weekend and we were horny as hell and did it on his couch?"

Adam frowned as he thought, then suddenly jumped up and down running into Matt's arms.

"You're pregnant, babe!" Matt nodded at his childish boyfriend.

"I'm gonna be a daddy! And so are you! And how the hell will you give birth? Out your ass?" Adam asked. Matt shrugged.

"All I care about is this miracle baby growing inside me right now. We can think about that when the time comes"

Adam placed his hand on Matt's belly. "I can't wait for our child. I hope it's a boy. We can name him Adam Jr then"

Matt just chuckled at Adam, bringing him in for a loving kiss. "In your dreams"

"Trust me, you don't wanna know what I dream about" Adam laughed. He led Matt into the living room. "C'mon, Neil will FaceTime us shortly. I want my make out session for today" Adam said, pushing Matt down on the couch and hovering over him.

Matt looked at Adam. "I can't wait to have a family with you"

"Neither can I, Matty. Now where's my kisses" he giggles, leaning closer to Matt.

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