Help Part 2 (Adam x Cale)

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Cale walked through his front door after working at the studio for Art Of Dying's seventh album, shrugging his jacket off and kicking his boots off. He sighed, stripping his shirt off as he trudged upstairs. Cale walked into the bathroom and turned the taps on in the bathtub, he pulled out his phone from his jean pocket and unlocked his phone, instantly clicking Adam's contact but realised he's still in hospital, Cale sighs again and looks through the old text messages between him and Adam.

He quickly locks his phone and puts it down, turning the taps off and removing the rest of his clothing. Cale sighs happily as he steps into the tub and lays down, the hot water almost immediately calming him down, he needs to relax for tonight. He can't break down now, Cale has kept everything bottled up inside ever since that day they were kidnapped and Adam was stuck in the coma. He feels his muscles relaxing, Cale closes his eyes and enjoys his bath.


That evening, Cale made the long trek to the hospital, greeting all the staff and patients that he's gotten to know so well, thanking Jack for the coffee that he receives every visit. He gratefully takes the bag of chocolates from nurse Jane, placing the bag inside his backpack. He waves to his favourite patient before coming to a stop at a specific door. He keeps his eyes on the floor as he walks in, placing himself on the couch next to the bed.

Cale looks up and studies Adam's face. He still looks exactly the same, all this time and he hasn't changed. Cale ran his hands through his hair, looking at all of Adam's scars that were showing, most of them have healed well, except for the ones on his face, but those scars didn't make Adam look any less attractive. Cale groaned, trying to think of something to say, things have been very quiet lately.

"So, the only thing I can really talk about his Ben. He's now formed a band called Breaking Benjamin. They have just released their first album. Oh and Art Of Dying are recording a new album" Adam didn't even twitch, Cale sighed again. "C'mon Adam, it's been far too long now. I need you to wake up"

After staring at Adam for a couple minutes, Cale started to feel tears well up. He tried to swallow the lump that has formed in his throat, but it wouldn't go. He took a deep breath but it made things worse. He whimpered Adam's name, which made him break down. Cale grabbed Adam and clutched his arm, tears flowing down his cheeks as he sobbed. Adam's arm became wetter as the minutes past, Cale squeaking mumbled words as he begged Adam to wake up.

"A-adam ple-ase wake u-up" Cale begged.

He gripped Adam's arm tighter, sobbing harder as he let everything he kept inside all out. Cale wiped the snot away from his nose after wiping his eyes. But more tears came flooding down, he felt like he was going to be sick as he drew in more breaths then he could let out. He wailed Adam's name repeatedly, until his voice became hoarse and quiet, whimpering his name now. Eventually, Cale cried himself to sleep.

Hours later, Cale faintly heard his name being called. But he was too deep in slumber. A nightmare. Cale dreamed that it was him the kidnappers hurt, he dreamed he was in the coma, not Adam. He had to watch the horror on Adam's face throughout the whole nightmare, watched him break down crying, then he watched helplessly as Adam jumped out of his hospital room window. That's when Cale woke up screaming. He gasped for breath, frantically looking around but slowly realised it was just a dream.


He heard a voice mention his name weakly. He turned to the sound of the voice and found a pair of dull blue eyes looking back at him, the once shining and bright blue gone, replaced by faded and broken eyes just blinked at him.

"Adam? Is this...really happening? Are you really awake?"

"I think so" he croaked.

Cale jumped up and wrapped Adam up in his arms, crying of happiness.

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