Creature (Adam x Neil)

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Adam was walking home after school, he had to walk over a bridge to get home. He saw the bridge come into view. Adam sighed, stuffing his hands into his pockets after flicking his cigarette away. After he took a few steps onto the bridge, he felt himself being dragged away.

"Hey! Get off me, assholes!" Adam yelled as the gang started dragging him to the edge.

Adam struggled, the gang managed to lift him over the edge.

"No! I don't wanna die!"

Adam screamed as the gang let go of him. He plummeted down, closing his eyes and waited for the splat, but it never came. Instead, Adam felt hands grab his arms. He looked up and saw a human like creature with wings, he tried to get away but gave up because he didn't want to fall to his death.

The winged form flew him to a huge castle, it looked spooky on the outside but lavish and sleek inside.

It led Adam to a type of throne room, sitting in a throne whilst Adam stood there shaking.

"W-what are y-you?" he asked.

"I'm a demon. My name is Neil" the creature looked at the boy.

Adam looked down and stepped back.

"What do you want with me?" Adam whispered.

Neil stood up and took a few steps forward.

"I can give you everything you desire" Neil took a few more steps. "But there's one thing I need from you, Adam. Just one"

"What is i-it?"

"Sell your soul to me"

"My soul? Don't I need that or something?" Adam looked down.

Neil walked over and kneeled in front of the scared kid. He gently placed his hand over Adam's heart.

"There's bad people that want to corrupt your soul. I can keep it safe along with you" Neil pulled his hand away.

"B-but you're a demon"

"Not all demons are bad. I was once an angel, you know" Neil smiled at the human.

Adam took in a breath, then nodded.

"How will you get it?"

Neil stood up and pulled Adam closer, he gently took hold of the hem of Adam's shirt.

"May I?"

Adam nodded. Neil slipped his hand under Adam's shirt and held his hand over where Adam's soul is. Adam felt a tingling sensation under Neil's hand.

"Now, we seal the deal with a kiss" Neil spoke.

Adam bit his lip, he's never kissed a guy before, he's wanted to but he's always been the loser at school, he had no friends, got beat up everyday by a guy called Brad who he had a crush on.

Adam moved in closer, Neil smiled as Adam looked up at him, he saw Neil's eyes were completely black as he felt lips on his. Their lips moved together perfectly, like Adam and Neil are meant for each other.

Adam's stomach was doing black flips, his legs felt like jelly and his heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. The kiss felt incredible, Adam felt like he was on cloud nine, he knew he was instantly addicted to this creature, he knew he was Neil's and only Neil's, but the demon was the one who saved his life. He felt a whoosh of air, he smiled into the kiss as he felt wings brush his sides. Adam felt safe.

Neil pulled away and inspected Adam, the teenager didn't feel any different.

"Come" Neil slowly led Adam into a large bedroom.

He placed Adam at the edge of the bed, pulling the covers back. Adam laid down, pulling the covers over him as Neil kissed his forehead. After Neil walked out, Adam instantly fell asleep. The smaller one tossed and turned in his sleep, kicking off the covers as he thrashed about.

He woke up as he felt wings wrap around him protectively, he turned and looked at Neil, Adam instantly felt calm.

"Try to get back to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us"

Adam buried himself into Neil, taking in his scent as the wings tighten around him slightly. Neil slowly ran his fingers through Adam's messy hair to help him sleep, Adam gently petted the black feathers as Neil caressed his face, brushing his thumb over Adam's lips. As Gontier drifted off again, he thought about what his life now holds ahead of him, now that he belongs to a demon.

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