Thank You (3DG x Fem Reader)

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You wake up in the middle of the night, your mouth is dry so you get up to get a drink. But when you open the door, you find it locked.

"Not again"

You look around, searching for him but find no one in your room. You whimper and crawl back into bed, hiding under the covers, eventually falling back asleep.


When you wake up in the morning, you groan and pull back the covers, that's when you see five men in your room, their backs to you as they talk amongst themselves.

"W-who are you?"

One of them turns around. "You don't recognise us?" you shake your head. "Well, he's from Saint Asonia and the rest of us are from Three Days Grace"

"Wait, you're Three Days Grace?"

They all nod. That's when you hear your bedroom door being locked, you know it's your father. Two of the guys look at all the drawings of My Darkest Days, Three Days Grace and Saint Asonia you've drawn, admiring your work. You were still in the only clothes you own, you shifted so you were sat on the edge of your bed.

"I'm Brad, that's my brother Matt, that guy is Neil and that's Barry" he said whilst pointing to each of them. "And lastly, that's Adam, he's the one in Saint Asonia"

"How come you didn't recognise us?" the mohawked one asked, which is Adam.

"I've never seen pictures of you guys, I didn't even know your names. I'm not allowed to"

"What do you mean?" they all sat around you on the bed.

"You won't believe me"

"We've heard some crazy stuff before so I'm sure we will" Neil exclaimed.

"How did you even get here?"

"Your next door neighbour contacted us and asked if we could meet a fan, she said you'd be excited to meet us" Barry explains.

Your neighbour, Samantha, are good friends with you. When your parents are always out, she checks up on you, you tell her about all the Three Days Grace songs you know and everything you know about them, which is very little. She also knows about what your parents do to you but can't do anything about it.

"So, why aren't you allowed to?"

You cleared your throat, making sure your arms are still hidden. "So, uh. My parents aren't actually my parents, they are brother and sister. They kidnapped me from the hospital when I was born, they've pretended to raise me since. I only know when I heard the police have stopped the investigation of it so I did some digging when they thought I was sleeping. I figured it out because I look nothing like them, I act nothing like them. I did some research on them and found out they're siblings"

You look down but someone grabs ahold of your hand softly, you look up to see Adam, you saw his eyes were watery. That's when Adam noticed your sleeve pulled up slightly, he frowns as he sees your scars, lightly tracing his fingertips across them. You took a breath before carrying on.

"All they've done to me is abuse me. They've beaten me up and torture me everyday. I'm kept locked up, my neighbour has to pick the locks just to get in. I've tried to end things myself but that's where you guys come in. I'm only allowed a small radio and one of your songs came on and it stopped me. You guys have helped me so much, you're all my heroes. So, thank you"

All of them immediately wrapped you in a hug, that's when you started crying. They all calm you down by saying how much you mean to them.

"You only just met me" you sniffle.

"It's like what I say, we don't have fans, we have friends" Adam smiles softly at you. "Matt, can I talk to you quickly?" Matt nods before getting up, following Adam to a corner of your room.

Whilst they were whispering, the others made small talk with you about your drawings, you felt like you were in a dream. Adam and Matt come back over and smiled at each other. You and the others look at them confused.

"Matt and I have agreed on something" Adam look straight at you. "All of us are gonna adopt you"

"You are?!"

"We are?!"

"You're gonna live with us"

You jump up and run into Adam's arms, he picks you up and giggles, spinning you around.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

He puts you down, the others hugging you too. Then you realise you're all locked in.

"Shit. They've locked us in"

Barry smirks and walks over to the door, he swiftly kicks it down.

"We can put whatever stuff you wanna take in the back of the car"

"What about my neighbour? I can't leave her behind, I'm scared of what my parents will do to her"

"She can come along with us. When will they be back?" Brad asks.

"They'll be out for the rest of the day"

The guys get to work, bringing in bags and boxes they had in their car, packing your stuff away that you want to take, whilst you and Adam go next door.


You and the guys are stood around the car, Samantha comes out and walks over before getting in the car, everyone gets in afterwards. Adam holds the passenger door open for you as you slide in, buckling up before Adam gets into the drivers side. You take a last look at the house that's brought you nothing but pain and misery, glad that you're never gonna see it again.

You smile as Adam smiles at you, you can't believe you're gonna live with Matt and Brad Walst, Neil Sanderson, Barry Stock and Adam Gontier, and you're gonna love every single minute of it.

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