You Are Mine (Adam x Matt)

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Adam moved back to his hometown of Peterborough, after trying to make it as a musician in California, but failing miserably. After he moved back, weird things started happening to him. He would hear a noise or see what looked like a black shadow of a figure in the corner, or he would feel like he's being watched even after checking he was alone. Or he'd just see a pair of red eyes looking at him, Adam thought nothing of it, he thought it was just his imagination. He just simply carried on.

Adam is currently cooking his dinner a lot later than usual, his earphones plugged in, music blaring into his ears. He starts singing his favourite songs loudly, doing a little jiggle as he cooks. Until his phone suddenly dies.

"Fuck!" he swears he just fully charged it half an hour prior. Adam just places his phone back into the living room, returning to the kitchen.

When he sees a figure at the end of the island, he jumps back. "Who are you?" He asks. Before he can do anything the figure lunges at him at lighting speed, Adam doesn't even have time to blink before the black shadow is on him.


Adam woke up on the floor with his hands chained to a wall, at least a meter in length so he could move around a bit. The last thing he remembered was this thing pouncing on him in his kitchen, then he woke up here, wherever here is.

He looked around the room, the strangest thing was a black wooden coffin in the corner. Adam frowned, why the hell is there a coffin here? He tried pulling the chains off the wall without success. He growled in defeat, sitting down on the cold hard white floor. Adam's tummy rumbled, he forgot he was cooking his food. Shit, his food! His cooking probably caused a fire because it would've burned, what is Adam gonna do now? As if he could do anything that is.

The door opened, causing Adam to stand up. "What do you want with me?" he questioned.

The same figure appeared, making Adam jump again. The figure turned out to be a man. A very handsome man, thought Adam. His long blonde hair, his stubble, his lips. Even his clothing made him look more attractive. He was wearing a black shirt that had the words 'My Darkest Days' written in bold white letters, black skinny jeans with rips here and there and black converse shoes. The man had a plate of food in his hands. It was chilli pasta, which is what Adam was cooking. The man set the plate in front of Adam.

"I'm Matt by the way" Adam didn't respond, he just stared at the floor. "You'll find out what I want with you soon enough" and with that Matt walked out and shut the door again.

There was something off about that guy but Adam couldn't figure out what it was. He looked at the food, not really interested so he just picked at his food.

Matt popped in a couple more times, only to find Adam ignoring him, taking the untouched food with him. Matt walked back in for the last time, Adam still sat there. Matt sighed and waved his hand. Adam was suddenly stood up against the wall, it was like an unseen force pulled him up and pinned him down.

"How the fuck did you do that?!" Adam looked at Matt in horror. Matt smiled.

"I'm here to show you what I want from you" Matt took a step closer. "You see. When you moved back, I could smell you and you smelt divine darling. I knew I had to have you. To taste you" Matt traced his finger down Adam's face delicately, as if he was made of glass.

Adam moved his face away, so Matt placed his finger on his neck, moving his finger to Adam's pulse point.


Matt just licked his lips. When Adam looked back at Matt, he saw his eyes where bright red, when Matt smiled again, Adam saw what looked like fangs gleaming out. He trembled as Matt moved to his neck.

He screamed out, failing to fight this thing off him as Matt sunk his fangs into Adam's delicious neck, sucking his blood, draining him. Adam struggled, screaming out.

"S-stop! Ple-ase!"

Adam's struggles grew weaker as time went on, eventually Adam went limp. Matt pulled away, wiping blood from his mouth as he watched the body before him falling to the floor. He stood there, waiting. Time went by when Adam started standing up.

"Now, you are mine, Gontier"

"I'm back, baby" Adam stretched in his new form, his eyes burning red. He smiled back at Matt, showing his newly formed fangs off.

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