Dark Secret (Matt x Neil)

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Matt was cleaning the kitchen when his boyfriend walked into the room. He gave Matt a look of disgust.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm cleaning the kitchen, it needs cleaning"

"I didn't ask you to!"

"Sorry, what do you want be to do?"

"Make me a sandwich"

Matt put the cloth and spray down, then washed his hands. He took some bread out and went to the fridge. He took the butter and some ham out, then Neil stopped him.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Matt was about to speak but Neil grabbed him by the neck and pinned him to the wall. "I told you to buy me a sandwich, not make one. Can you not do anything right?" he growled.

"But, you s-said-"

"Shut up!" Neil punched Matt in the stomach. "Now, I'm gonna show you what happens when you mess up"

Matt whimpered, he knows Neil does this when he does something his boyfriend doesn't like. Neil threw Matt on the floor which made him cower away.

"Don't you dare cower away from me, you bastard!"

Matt yelped as Neil kicked him in the stomach, he did it again, Matt gasped for air, begging for mercy.

"I would've though you'd learn by now. Obviously not"

He commanded for Matt to get up but he struggled from the pain.

"Get. The. Fuck. Up. Now" Neil snarled.

Matt cried out as he did, Neil immediately punched him in the face. Matt sobbed as he held his face in his hand. He begged Neil to stop, whimpering that he's learned.

"I don't think you have, Matt"

Neil grabbed Matt by the neck and started choking him, Matt struggled to breath, clawing at Neil's hands, tears slipping from his eyes. Neil let go, walking away as Matt fell to the floor in a heap, crying as he gasped for air.

Twenty minutes later, Neil walks in, Matt still on the floor, curled into a ball, Neil put everything Matt took out earlier in their rightful places, he put away all the cleaning products Matt used and grabbed his jacket.

"Right, c'mon Matt, I'm taking you out on a date"

Matt wiped his nose with his hand and painfully stood up. Neil smiled at him and pecked his lips, Matt got lost from his lips, pulling Neil in again and wrapped his arms around him. Neil tugged Matt's bottom lip between his teeth, smirking from his small moan that slipped out. He pulled away, leading Matt out of the house.


"Hey, Matt! Check out my new ride!" Adam exclaimed as he walked into Matt's bedroom.

He was laying on his side, watching something on his phone. Adam waved his arms around which caught Matt's attention.

"Oh, hey" Matt did a little wave back.

That's when Adam noticed bruising around his neck and the side of his face. He frowned and sat next to Matt, clearing his throat before talking.

"Where'd the bruises come from?"

Matt was taken by surprise, he fiddled with his phone as he spoke. "I fell over"

"That doesn't explain your neck Matt"

"Oh, that...I was cleaning and one of the bottles slipped out of my hand. As I was trying to catch it I slipped and it landed on my neck, that's when I hit my face" Matt lied.

Adam had to admit, Matt is damn quick as coming up with lies, he knew something was wrong and that Matt wasn't telling the truth, but he just nodded, pretending he was convinced. Adam gently removed the phone from Matt's hands, placing it on the bed.

"I know Neil did that, I know you're lying"

"How?" Matt looked up at Adam, his eyes watery.

"Because Neil hurt me just like he's hurting you right now"

Adam lifted his shirt up, his exposed skin showed old scars all over his front, some of them are deeper than others. Across his torso, Adam had scars that spelled out 'N E I L', they were the deepest scars.

"When you went off on your own years ago, me and Neil became closer, eventually dating. Then he randomly started abusing me. I didn't understand why, but I stayed with him. I left when he nearly killed me, hence the scars. I got him help and I truly believed he was better after getting help. But you're the perfect example that he's not. Neil will get worse Matt, and he'll try to kill you too"

"I'm not leaving him. He loves me. Neil shows me all his love and affection, he takes me out on dates, he cooks me meals, he shows me he loves me by looking after me. I love him Adam. Neil is just in pain, he's been through a lot, okay? I prefer him taking his pain out on me than himself. And he won't kill me, he can't"

"You're too in love with him" Adam shakes his head. "Trust me, he will kill you one day, just like he nearly did to me. He won't ever change, Matt. You gotta get away from him, he's lied to you. He's made you believe that abusing you helps him. It's all lies"

"No. I am not leaving him, Adam. You can't change my mind"

Adam sighed deeply as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He just nodded, getting up and walking to the door. He turned to face Matt.

"You'll learn the hard way, Matt. But one day you'll see and you'll wish you took my advice"

Adam turned on his heel and walked out the door for the last time.

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