Waste My Time (Matt x Fem Reader)

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"You excited for tonight's show?" Matt asks you as he grabs your hips, pulling you closer to him.

"Hmm. But I can't watch you play. They want me to start selling merchandise tonight" you reply as Matt plays with your hair.

"Have fun tonight, babe. I wanted you to watch me play" Matt winked at you.

You giggled. Matt let go of your waist and pecked your lips. He left the tour bus for sound check. Shortly afterwards, you leave the bus, as you walk to the stands to set up, you see Adam Gontier talking to Brad. You still found it weird that Three Days Grace and Saint Asonia are touring together, but you don't dwell on it. You watch Adam talk to your boyfriend's brother, sure Adam is good looking but you never gave him a second glance. You don't know him, let alone ever talked to him before. You've never heard him sing or play, but you don't really care, you're with Matt.

The day goes by quickly, you spent some time with Matt after sound check, you found out that Three Days Grace did their sound check after Saint Asonia, that must have been awkward. Pretty soon it was nearly time for the shows. You were behind your stand, selling merchandise just before the concert. It was always busy right before a show.

When it quietened down, you hear fans screaming so you know the show has started. You hear Matt's voice scream through the microphone, you wish you could watch them. You smile, Matt sounds like he's having fun, you quietly sing along as they open with Right Left Wrong whilst waiting for customers.


After Three Days Grace finished their set, it went busy again. Your break was coming up soon so you could see who was on next.

Soon enough, you were on your break, you got some food and a drink, quickly munching them down whilst making your way through the crowd. You see people walk on stage, you can't quite see who they are, until you get closer. You see Adam Gontier on stage. You wonder how his voice sounds like.

Then Adam starts off with Blind. You're blown away, his voice is incredible. The way he plays guitar, the way he jumps around on stage. He's stunning, beautiful. You've fallen in love with him. You move closer so you're right at the front, Adam notices you and smiles, your heart flutters when he does. You need to find out if he feels the same way.


During the tour, Matt has noticed that you have been spending most of your time with Adam. Just what is he planning? Does he plan to steal you from Matt? What is he up to? Matt becomes jealous. He wants you to himself, he's not about to let some ex junkie take is girlfriend from him.

"Y/n? Can I speak with you?"

"I haven't got much time, Matt"

"It'll be quick" you sigh then nod. "Have you uh...noticed how much time you're spending with Adam lately?" Matt asks.

"Yes, I have. He's a friend. Am I not allowed friends now?"

"Well sure, but you two seem to have gotten awfully close lately. I just don't want you to forget that we're dating" Matt takes a step towards you.

"You're jealous, aren't you?"

"What? No!-"

"You are! Adam and I are just friends Matt!"

You storm off.

Truth be told, you and Adam are closer than you both make out to believe, he keeps giving you looks and signs, you think he's in love with you too. Now you just have to tell Matt.


At the end of the tour, you visit Adam in his dressing room.

"Hey, y/n"

"Hey" you clear your throat. "So, I have a confession"

Adam frowns, thinking he did something wrong.

"I've fallen in love with you, Adam"

"But you're dating Matt" he clarified.

"I don't love him anymore. I know it'll hurt him but he will understand" you look up at Adam. "I know you like me too"

Adam's gaze suddenly changes, he smiles as he walks towards you, embracing you in his arms. Slowly, Adam places his lips on yours, your heart explodes as you kiss back, his beard tickling your skin. Adam gently put his hands on each side of your head, holding you. The kiss lasts for a few more minutes, then you both pull away. You cup Adam's cheek, both of you smiling at each other.

"I suppose I'll have to tell Matt now" you frowned.

"Hey, it's alright. You can't help who you fall in love with"

"Yeah, you're right. I should go now"

"I'll see you later" Adam waves as you leave to find Matt.

Once you found Matt, he was packing his things ready for the when tour bus leaves for home.


"Fuck! You scared me there, baby" Matt jumped out of his skin but laughed.

"I'm just gonna get straight to the point" you lean against the ladder of the bunk beds. "I'm leaving you. I'm in love with Adam and he's in love with me. I'm sorry Matt, but I don't love you anymore. I just can't help who I fall for"

Matt just stands there, shocked that this is even happening. It takes him a few seconds to register what you said.

"What? N-no, you can't leave me! I need you y/n! You can't do this to me!"

Matt reaches for you but you push him away, he begs you to stay but to no avail.

"You broke my heart y/n...you've broken me for a junkie"

"Hey, Adam's not a junkie! I'm sorry Matt, I really am. I never wanted to hurt you, it just wasn't meant to be between us"

You leave and run to Adam.


Finally, you get home to your apartment. Not a single word from Matt. Although, Brad texts you a lot, trying to convince you to go back to Matt, you always tell him no. As time went by, you and Adam became even closer, making it official, Adam was your new boyfriend. Sure, you miss Matt, but it just wasn't meant to be.

As for Matt, when he got home, all he did was mope around. He was heartbroken, you shattered his heart, Matt truly thought you were the one, but clearly not. He refused to go outside, he stayed cooped up in his room for all hours. He looked at your social media, seeing the photos of you and Adam together. But there was nothing he could do, you dumped him after all.

Matt had to move on from you.

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