Drown (Matt x Neil)

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Matt and Neil walk hand in hand, the sun covered them in warmth as they walked across the bridge, they looked at the river below as they walked, looking at the ducks and swans swimming around. Matt felt an arm around his waist so he leaned into Neil, smiling as his boyfriend placed a kiss to the top of his head.

Neither of them realised a car hurtling towards them, swerving out of control. Matt noticed in time and pushed Neil as far away as he could. The car impacted Matt as him and the car smashed through concrete and into the river.

Neil was enjoying his day when he was suddenly pushed, he fell to the ground and felt disoriented. Neil shook his head and screamed at what unrivalled before him. He watched as Matt took the hit instead of him. Neil ran over to the edge and saw the boot of the car sinking down, no sign of Matt.

The next few days were a blur for Neil, police were called as well as paramedics, the cops took his statement and called for an investigation in search of Matt, but found nothing. Neil slowly regained control as he begged for them to drain the river. It took lots of convincing but they decided to do it just to shut Neil up.

Unfortunately, the only body they  found was the driver still in the car, no sign of Matt. The police pronounced Matt dead, even though Neil explained that he could've survived. The doctors explained that due to how badly damaged the car was, the driver was going at a face speed when he hit Matt, so there was no way Matt could've survived the hit, he would've instantly died. Neil didn't believe it, there was something inside him telling him that Matt survived, he was convinced that Matt got out. But no further action was taken, much to Neil's disappointment and anger, the police stated that Matt Walst was dead. Neil was heart broken.


One year later, in the middle of the night, in the heavy rain, Neil walked along the same bridge he lost Matt on a year prior. His hood was up, covering most of his face as he had his head down, hands stuffed in his pockets. Neil has never been the same since Matt, he lost hope and respect for the government, especially the police. They just dismissed the case because they're too lazy to do their actual job. But Neil never did anything more to make things right, he just wallowed in self pity, drinking himself stupid, all because he wasn't brave enough to save Matt. He hated himself.

He couldn't sleep that night so he took a walk over the bridge, remembering all the good times and happy memories with Matt. He missed him, missed hugging him, kissing him. He just missed Matt's company. Neil was minding his own business when he didn't realise a car speeding towards him, skidding around as the car lost control because of the stormy rain, he heard a loud honking noise so he looked up, but it was too late. The car smashed into him, in the exact spot as Matt, both of them tumbling down into the river. As Neil sunk down, he swore he saw Matt in the drivers seat, he wasn't sure though, he was too out of it. His mind was playing tricks on him.

Neil knew this was it as everything went black.

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