His Voice Part 2 (Adam x Brad)

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Not long after Adam's and Brad's three year anniversary, Brad has been acting a bit differently, like he's been ignoring Adam sometimes.

"You want eggs or bacon babe?" Adam yelled from the kitchen, but didn't get a response. He groaned, walking into the living room, the TV on really loud.

"Brad? Brad! Didn't you hear me?"

"What? Oh. Did you say something?" Brad asked.

"Why do you keep doing that? It's like you ignore me"

Brad shook his head. "I don't ignore you, why would you think that?" Adam sighed, sitting on the arm of the couch.

"I would say or ask you something and you wouldn't reply sometimes. And you don't need the TV so loud either"

"Well, maybe I just don't hear you"

"Brad" Adam turned so he was facing him. "Are you sure your hearing is fine?"

"My hearing is fine Adz. Stop worrying" Brad huffed.

Adam just bit his lip as he walked back to the kitchen. He was sure something wasn't right.


A few days later, Adam was really worried about Brad, he was getting worse but there was nothing Adam could do.

Brad stirred awake, when he opened his eyes though, he was shocked. All he heard was complete silence. He tired speaking but he heard nothing.

He felt tears down his face. No no, not again please, this can't be happening. He couldn't believe this is happening to him again. Adam stirred, turning over when he felt hands frantically shaking him. He sat up and saw Brad.

"Brad, what wrong? What's the matter?" but there was no response again. He watched Brad's hands, realising he's deaf again.

Adam cried out, wrapping his arms tightly around Brad, he knew something was gonna happen.


Brad hasn't been the same, locked in his room, depressed out of his mind. Adam offered to stay at Brad's house all the time but Brad didn't want him to. Adam would check up on him everyday, he tired everything to help him but just couldn't afford for another surgery.

One day, Adam found out about a secret organisation that help with all sorts of things but the catch was that Adam had to pay, not in money no. The payment could be whatever, but he will pay when he least suspects it. The payment could be his life or it could be where he looses everything, it's a risk Adam was willing to take for Brad's happiness. Adam literally made a deal with the devil.

He took Brad to a facility, signing that he'll be fine, well he hopes. Two men dressed in black escort Adam out of the building, telling him to come back in the morning. If Adam was nervous, then Brad's worse, he had no idea what was going on or what Adam has done. But he knew Adam always has best intentions, he could never hurt Brad, that was one of the many things he loved about Adam.

Brad was taken to a high tech room, he laid down on the white table in the middle of the room, he keep thinking about Adam, wishing he was here with him. A mask was placed over his mouth and he started feeling sleepy.

Brad's eyes fluttered shut, sending him into a deep sleep.


The next morning, Adam waited for Brad to wake up. He played with the ring Brad brought him, sighing as he waited. He yawned, Adam couldn't sleep last night, he was too worried about his boyfriend. Adam's name was called, he quickly stood up and walked with the escort.

Brad stirred and opened his eyes.

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