Brothers (Brad x Matt)

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Matt skipped into his brother's room to say goodnight to him, he saw him playing a bass.

"I thought you played guitar?"

"My new friend at school, Adam, he convinced me to start playing bass as he plays guitar"

"I preferred you playing guitar" Matt pouted at Brad.

"I'll still play guitar just for you, Matty" he smiled as he put his bass down. "Anyway, I take it it's your bedtime now?"

Matt nodded. "Why can't I go to bed the same time as you?"

"Matt, you're only eight, you still have to go to bed earlier than me. When you reach thirteen you can stay up till my time" he laughed.

Matt just crossed his arms but ran to Brad as his brother held his arms out for a hug. Matt jumps into Brad's open arms, giggling as Brad squeezes him slightly. He lets Matt go and ruffles his hair.

"Goodnight little brother" Brad smirked.

"Night Brad" Matt calls out as he runs to his room.

Matt grabs his special blanket and gets into bed, turning his lamp off and wrapping himself around his blanket. He closed his eyes, quickly falling into a deep slumber.



That is when Matt jolts awake.

He shakes violently and darts his eyes around, not seeing anything as it's pitch black. He feels tears fall down his face, Matt lets out a shaky sob as he climbs out of bed, his blanket clutched in his hands. He races to Brad's room and opens the door, standing there as he cries.


That is when Brad is awoken to the sound of crying.

Brad groans, turning over and pulling the covers over his head. He jolts upright as he hears his name being called out. Brad turns the lamp on and sees Matt stood at his door crying his little heart out.

"Matt, what's the matter? Come here"

Matt sprints into Brad's open arms, cradling his big brother for dear life. He cries harder as he buries his face in Brad's clothing. Brad lets him cry it out so he can calm down. He stroked Matt's hair, soothing him by humming to him. He slowly rocks Matt in his arms until he finally calms down enough to talk.

"I h-had a n-nightmare" he sniffled.

"Do you want he tell me what happened?" Brad asked.

Matt nodded. He sat up so he was curled up.

"It was someone I knew, they hurt me really bad and they killed me"

"Oh my god Matt, you poor thing. No one is gonna hurt you, okay? Your big brother is here to protect you"

"Th-thank y-you, Brad"

"It's okay. Let's get you back to sleep, alright?"

Brad laid Matt down next to him and pulled the covers over them. Matt turned to face his brother as Brad pulled him against him. He cradled his blanket in his arms, protected by his brother. Matt felt safe.

After awhile, Matt was drifting off to sleep when Brad pulled something out from under his pillow, he leaned over his brother. Then Matt screamed, feeling pain in his chest, he looked down and saw blood seeping through his pyjama shirt. Matt looked to Brad, who had a blood stained knife in his hand.

"Br-ad?" he choked out.

"You see, Matt, before you were born, I got all the attention, all the love. But when you came along, you then had all the attention, I got nothing. So I decided that you had to go and today is that day" Matt cried out, why was his brother doing this to him? "Goodbye, Matthew"

"No!-" Matt was cut off by the knife going into his chest again.

Then Matt's heart,




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