Fallen Angel Part 2 (Adam x Neil)

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"Are you ready?"

Adam nodded, stepping over to Neil. "I'm ready"

It's been about a month without any demons trying to take Adam away, Neil knew Hell was planning something big but he didn't know what. Adam had managed to convince Neil to have fun today, he had been very protective of Adam lately. But the human knew Neil wouldn't let anything happen to him.

Neil picked Adam up in his arms, the summer wind blowing the grass around in the field they were stood in, which made Adam's hair blow in his face. He moved his hair away and wrapped his arms around the back of Neil's neck. The angel spread his wings and braced himself, then took off. Adam gasped loudly as they both swooped through the air, Neil smiling at Adam's reaction. He tightened his grip around the angel.

"Don't worry, I won't drop you"

"Fuck!" Adam screamed as Neil spun around in circles.

He shut his eyes as Neil dived down before flying back up. Neil stopped showing off and started gliding in the air.

"You can open your eyes now, dear"

"Wow! The view is stunning" Adam gasped as he opened his eyes.

"Not as beautiful as you, Adam"

"When did you learn to flirt?" Adam raised his eyebrow.

"From watching the old videos of you when you were younger" Neil dipped slightly.

"The ones of me in high school or the ones of me when I was a model?"

"Both" Neil confessed.

Adam just snorted, he always thought his younger days were just cringeworthy.

"Why don't you be a model again? It will be interesting"

"No, I had to quit because I got addicted to drugs. Hell, I'm still addicted. Plus I'm too old for that now"

"Adam, you are only thirty one years old. You could always start up again on your own. Use whatever 'YouTube' is. From the videos, I could see you were truly passionate about your modelling"

Adam just shrugged, he missed it but he knows he'll have to get off the drugs, which he doesn't want to, if he wanted to start modelling again.

Both went into a comfortable silence, watching the view. Adam relaxed a little bit, resting his head on Neil's shoulder. He was about to speak when Neil groaned, he looked up and felt a whoosh of air. Adam then realised they were falling, he screamed, hiding himself against Neil, but the angel wrapped Adam up in his wings.

Neil gripped Adam, it felt like they were falling forever until Adam felt his breath escape him as he felt the hit. He groaned as he unwrapped himself from Neil, realising that the angel took the fall for him. He scrambled up and checked Neil over, shaking him for any response. He caressed his face, tears filling his eyes.

"Neil!" the creature groaned, opening his eyes. "You took the fall for me! You could've died!"

"Something is wrong"

"What is it? Are you hurt?" Adam asked worriedly, looking Neil over again.

"My heart, it's turning black"


"Hell is trying to turn me into a demon" Neil coughed.

"What! Fuck, how do I stop this?"

"You have to go to Hell and kill the King" Neil suddenly doubled over and clutched his chest. Adam immediately grabbed him. "Here" Neil pulled something out from his jacket.

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