I'll Make You Famous (Adam x Brad)

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The year is 1878, June 20th 1878 to be exact. Adam Gontier, a well known gunslinger part of The Regulators, a Wild West deputised group, fighting in The Lincoln County War.

Brad Walst, a bartender, framed for the murder of one of Murphy's men. It was all over the papers, but what really happened was that Walst was no where near Murphy's men when the fight broke out. A man matching Brad's description killed the guy, not Brad. But everyone thought it was him. Brad has been on the run ever since.

Brad was walking through the bushy desert, hungry and dehydrated, desperately in need for shelter, when off in the distance he saw what looked like a campfire. Maybe he can rest there if it's empty or if not then he can ask if he can stay for a while. He jogged over towards the campfire, not noticing he was walking straight into an ambush. The leader on The Regulators saw him coming, thinking it was one of Murphy's men so he set the ambush up.

When Brad got to the campfire the leader jumped out, pistols raised.

"Yoohoo. I'll make you famous"

The rest of the gang jumped out afterwards, their weapons raised. Brad put his arms up in defence. Adam instantly recognised the intruder.

"Wait, Billy. I've seen him in the papers. He killed one of Murphy's" Adam stopped Billy. "He's one of us"

"Can we trust him? Doc? Chavez?" Billy looked around his group, trying to see if he can be convinced.

Everyone wasn't sure if they could until Adam pulled Billy aside. "I trust him. From what I've read, he got into a fight with Murphy's men and shot one down. Plus we need all the help we can get" Adam tried to convince Billy. "If he wanted to take us down he would've done it by now Billy. But he hasn't"

"Alright, alright. He can stay. For now" Billy put his weapons away. "But if a get a sniff that he's dodgy, I'm takin' him down"

Adam just nodded, motioning for the rest to put their weapons away too. Brad thanked them, sitting down with the rest.


As night came in, the gang ate, drank and laughed, finally trusting Brad. Adam felt close to Brad, like he was connected to him. So he sat next to him all night.

"Y'know, I didn't kill nobody. Was framed me. But I will help y'all out. Murphy done me over real good with this. I'm on your side Adam. I'm one of ya now"

"Good. Last thing I need is Bonney killin' ya" he laughed slapping his knee "But ya secret safe with me pal. They don't need ta know"

Eventually everyone got ready to sleep, Adam on first watch. Brad on his left already asleep like everyone else.


Come morning, Brad was woken up to Billy telling everybody to get ready. He stood up and stretched, enjoying the early morning sun on his face.

"Alright, Regulators!" Billy clapped "You sons of bitches ready?" he laughed his famous laugh.

The group cheered, ready for anything.

"The killing we gotta do is that way-" Billy pointed to his right. "-Mount up!"

The Regulators mounted their horses, Brad mounted Adam's ghostly white horse. He felt like a Regulator now, an actual outlaw. And they set off, rode out of the campfire, ready and loaded, out towards the war that will crash down on them.

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