Sick And Twisted Affair (Matt x Neil)

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Neil's phone buzzed in his pocket so he pulled it out and read it.

Hey baby, I'm home alone, wanna come over and have some fun ;)

Neil smirked and texted Matt back. He walked over to his wife, Janin, faking a smile at her.

"I'm going over to Brad's and Matt's place to do some song writing, okay"

"Okay darling. Have fun and don't miss me too much. I love you Neil!" Janin squeaked, pulling Neil into a kiss. Neil didn't kiss back, it made him feel uncomfortable.

"I'll be gone all day so no need to make me any food" he called over his shoulder as he walked out, leaving her to wave and blow kisses at him all to which he ignored, driving away in his car.

When he pulled up to the Walst house, seeing Matt stood by the door already, his blonde hair damp, obviously from a shower. Neil hopped out of his car and pulled Matt into a kiss.

Neil and Matt have been having an affair for months now, Neil's band, Three Days Grace, don't know about it. Neither does Matt's band, My Darkest Days, they don't know about it either. Neil and Matt have tried their hardest to keep it a secret and so far they've succeeded. They both walked inside.

"How's the new album going? I know Brad, Adam and Barry are at the studio now" Matt asked.

"We have an album name"

"Cool! What is it?" Matt pulled Neil to his bedroom.

"It's called Transit Of Venus" Neil replied, laying on Matt's bed, playing with his jacket.

"Nice ring to it" Matt climbed onto his bed, sitting opposite Neil. He leant forward to rest his hand on Neil's thigh, but ended up in a make out session. Matt pulled Neil's jacket off, pushing him down, moaning at the taste of Neil's lips.

After pulling away for breath, both of them strip each other down, teasing as they went. Clothes littered the floor as moans filled the air. Matt nestled himself between Neil's legs.

"It's been awhile so I don't know how tight you're gonna be" Matt traced his finger up and down his thighs. Neil runs his fingers through Matt's hair.

"Mmh baby, your tongue feels so good on my skin" Matt continues to trace Neil's hole, then pushes a finger in as he licks up his dick. Neil moans as Matt sucks his length whilst fingering his hole.

Matt pulls away, then positions himself, holding Neil's left leg up as he straddles his right, teasing as a traces his tip over Neil. He watches Neil moan, pushing himself in. They both moan each other's names.

Matt starts thrusting, kissing up his chest.


Janin walks up to the Walst house and walks in. She doesn't need to knock anymore, Brad said she can just walk right in from now on.

She hears weird noises so she follows the noise and opens the door.

"Neil, you forgot your WHAT THE FUCK!" She screams.

Neil and Matt jump and cover themselves.

"I only came over because you forgot your song book and I find out you're cheating on me! For another man! What the fuck Neil?!" Janin screams again, chucking the songbook at Neil.

"Let me explain-" Neil starts but gets cut off, flinching as the book hits him before falling on the floor.

"No Neil! I'm done. I'm divorcing you and don't you ever come back! Matt, you're welcome to the bitch. Fuck you Neil" she storms out, leaving them sat there shocked.

"Neil, I'm sorry"

Neil shakes his head. "It's fine, I don't love her anymore, haven't done for a while. I was actually wondering when she'd divorce me"

They just sit there, not really knowing what to say.

"Can I ask you a question?" Neil asks. Matt nods his head.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"
Matt squeals, jumping on Neil, peppering him in kisses and repeating yes over and over.

Neil smiles, actually feeling happy in his relationship for once, not being in an unhappy marriage. Matt straddles Neil again.

"Now, where were we?" Neil says, moaning as Matt gets in position again and inserting himself back in him. Matt thrusts again, feeling Neil clench around him. Neil feels like he's on cloud nine, all worries about the divorce melting away as his new boyfriend gets him to ecstasy.

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