Matt Turns (Adam x Matt)

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Adam hums quietly as he finishes making his morning coffee before picking up a cigarette. Just as he's about to light it, Adam hears pained moans and pants from the kitchen doorway. He turns around and sees Matt stood in the doorway, shaking violently with his arms wrapped around himself.

Adam puts his cigarette down as Matt stumbles into the room and slumps against the island, sweating and clawing at his sides, desperately wanting the pain to stop. Adam walks over and kneels beside Matt about a metre away.

"A-adam...what's h-happening to me?"

Adam sighs, keeping his distance as he speaks.

"Matt, you''re turning into a wolf. This shift may be violent so I'm afraid I can't help you"

Matt snaps his head up and looks at Adam wide eyed.


"I'm sorry baby. I didn't expect it to be so soon" Adam speaks softly and calmly.

Matt suddenly lurches onto all fours, loud cracks and snaps can be heard as Matt screams out in agony.

Adam looks away briefly, it hurts him to watch his lover go through the painful process. Matt's eyes turn a shade of dark red as sharp teeth pop out which makes Matt roar out. Claws show from his hands and feet whilst his body twists and bends awkwardly.

Adam watches as Matt's body seems to literally explode into wolf form. Adam quickly stands up and raises his hands up in defensive as the grey wolf in front of him snarls and growls, snapping his teeth at him viciously.

"It's just me, it's Adam. It's only me. Try to calm down Matt. Think about our first kiss" Adam still had his hands raised as he took a step back.

Matt stepped back too, shaking his body before looking back at Adam. He whimpered then sat down, looking up at Adam in the cutest wolfie way possible. Adam smiled as he sat down next to him, gently scratching Matt behind the ear which made Matt purr out a little, pushing his head more into Adam's hand. Adam chuckled.

"Who's a cute little wolfie" he cooed as Matt licked Adam's face.

Matt suddenly jumped back, keeping himself away from Adam as he started transforming back to human form. Once he did, Adam wrapped him up in a blanket due to his shredded clothing laying on the floor.

"What just happened?" Matt questioned.

"You can shift into a wolf now. Though at first you won't be able to control your animal instincts or when you'll shift. But you'll get there, I can help" Adam explained.

"...Am I dreaming? This can't be real" Matt says, shocked.

"Let me show you" Adam grins.

He stands up and steps back a few steps, then shakes his head and hands, his eyes glowing a deep pure white.

"What the fuck..." Matt trails off as he watches Adam turn into a wolf.

The pure black wolf walks over to Matt and curls up in his lap. Matt hesitates but slowly runs his fingers through Adam's fur. Adam just makes a few content noises as he relaxes in Matt's arms.

"Y'know, I actually like you better in this form because you can't answer back" Matt chuckles.

Adam just playfully nips at Matt. Then stands up and shifts back to human form.

"But there are some things that you can't do when I'm in wolf form" Adam says as he straddles Matt.

Matt just nods at him, frowning from what he was told.

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