Under The Sea (Adam x Brad)

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Brad stretched, looking out of the small window at the waves of the ocean. He smiled, feeling content on their vacation. Brad changed into clean clothes and fixed his hair. He slipped his shoes on and walked onto the deck.

Brad looked over and saw Adam on the other end of the boat, getting stabbed then was pushed into the water. Brad yelled Adam's name and didn't hesitate to dive in to save his boyfriend.

As soon as Brad was in the water, he frantically searched for Adam, only seeing waves of blood. Brad had to resurface to catch his breath but soon swam down again. He saw Adam barely alive, sluggishly trying to swim up but his wound stopping him.

Brad quickly swam over and took hold of him, Adam tried to kick out, obviously thinking it was his attacker but realised it was just Brad. Brad struggled to swim up to the surface but slowly did so, gasping for air.

Brad saw their boat sailing away so he desperately looked for dry land, but found nothing but endless sea. He looked at Adam who was wheezing and coughing, Brad moved Adam's hair out of his face.

"Please...don't let...me...d-die" Adam struggled to breath.

Brad frowned, Adam won't die, he will save him. Brad swam them around, trying to find anything he could put Adam on but the ocean is the only thing with them. He looks down, Adam has his eyes closed. He searched for Adam's pulse but found nothing. Brad screamed out, he felt numb and overwhelmed.

Brad kissed Adam's temple and held onto him as he let himself sink underwater. He held onto Adam tightly as he was pulled down rapidly due to the added weight of Adam's body, Brad smiled as he thought of Adam's smile as the darkness slowly consumed him.


Brad jerked awake, sweating and gasping as he looked around then finally looked out of the window of the sea. He quickly ran onto the deck and spotted Adam at the other end. Running to him, Brad gripped onto Adam when he was close enough.

"Whoa! You okay?" Adam asked, concerned.

"You were stabbed and thrown underwater, I couldn't save you" Brad sobbed.

"Another nightmare?" Adam felt Brad nod. "It's okay. I'm not going anywhere"

"Promise?" Brad looked up at him.

"I promise Brad, you can't get rid of me that easily. Why would I ever leave my best friend?" Adam just hugged Brad tighter, soothing him by rubbing circles on his back.

Brad frowned, then he realised Adam has always been straight, he'll never fall for Brad and Brad is right, Adam never was gay, that just ripped Brad's heart apart that he knows he'll never get Adam like that, or so he thought.

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