Bully (Adam x Brad)

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Adam groaned as the school bell rang for lunch, he doesn't want to be here, he just wants to go home. He slowly packed his books away into his backpack, watching as the other kids quickly disappear from the classroom, leaving him alone with his creepy math teacher, Mr Jones.

"Come on, Gontier! You know you're not allowed in classrooms during lunch period"

"Sorry, sir" Adam grumbled, making a dash for the door before Mr Jones could try anything with him before he would change his mind.

He shivered at the thought of his math teacher touching him up. Adam kept his head down as he walked into the cafeteria, waiting in line for his food. After being served, Adam sat with the only few kids he liked being friends with. He wasn't a loner but he wasn't exactly overly popular either, Adam was just the average teenager. Adam wasn't popular like the jocks and cheerleaders but he was still pretty well known, especially with his singing and guitar playing.

"Adz! What took you so long? Making out with your guitar again?" Billie Joe, his closest friend joked.

"No...I got away from Mr Jones before he tried anything" he explained.

"Well shit. He's disgusting, he should be locked up" Neil chimed in.

"Fuck, look who's headed our way"

Adam lowered his head even more, trying to make himself look small enough not to notice. But he noticed Adam, the only person who decided to bully Adam the moment he set eyes in him, a certain Bradley James Walst.

"Yo, fuck face!" he yelled as he pushed Adam to the floor, sitting in his seat.

"Hey, just for once, can you actually let Adam eat his lunch!" Billie stepped in.

"Beej, it's okay. He can have my food"

"You, shut your whore mouth before I shut it myself" Brad snarled at Billie.

Adam kept his eyes on the floor, he felt like crying, Brad has bullied him every day for the past two years, no teacher seems to give a shit.

"How much food do ya want, Gontier? No wonder why you're so fat and ugly! Look at you!" Brad scoffed, chucking the food on the floor.

"Hey, he's not-!"

Brad slammed his fist on the table. "Just for that, Sanderson"

He grabbed Adam's drink and stood up, sneering as he stood over him, Brad held the drink over Adam's head and poured it all over him. He gasped at the coldness, holding back tears.

"Pathetic" Brad kicked Adam out of the way as he proudly walked back to his group of friends.

Adam's friends rushed over to him and helped him up, asking if he's alright. Adam patted himself down before shrugging away from his friends to clean himself up. He knew the worst of it will be after school.


Towards the end of lunch, Billie Joe entered the toilets, hearing sniffling before it suddenly stopped. He stood in front of the only stall door that was closed.

"I know you're in there, Adam"


Billie sighed, gently knocking on the door, pulling his packet of cigarettes out from his bag and swiftly lighting one up.

"I'm not leaving until you come out, you better hurry up before I smoke all of this"

He still heard silence for a minute until the stall door unlocked before a soggy looking Adam stepped out. His eyes were slightly red, he chucked his bag onto his shoulder, taking the cigarette he was offered, taking a drag before giving it back to Billie.

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