Nightmares (Matt x Brad)

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Matt finished packing his bag, when a very drunk Adam came home.

"Honeyyyyy, I'm hooooome!" Adam exclaimed.

Matt picked up his bags, walking past Adam. He frowned at Matt, why was he being ignored, he doesn't like being ignored.

"Babe what's...going on?"

Matt spun round and crossed his arms. "No, Adam nothing's going on! Oh, part from me leaving you! I'm done with you Adam, you come home drunk and scream at me, hurt me. Every. Single. Night. I can't have this in a relationship Adam! This is fucking me up mentally and physically. I just can't do this anymore" he grabbed Adam's car keys.

Adam followed behind Matt, trying to stop him but kept tripping over his feet. Matt got into Adam's car.

"That's my fucking car! Get your ass out here!" Adam tried opening the doors that Matt locked when he got in. Adam shouted hurtful things at Matt, stopping him from driving anywhere by standing in front his car, causing Matt to flinch at his ex's harsh words. "And I hope you die, you pathetic waste of space! You should never of been born!" Adam finally finished his speech.

Matt shakily gave Adam the finger as he drove off, nearly running Adam over in the process.


It's been a few months since Matt moved back into his brothers house. Ever since that day, he hasn't been the same. Adam really damaged Matt, he broke him.

Brad did all he could for Matt but sometimes it just wasn't enough. 

Matt was currently tossing and turning in bed, screaming and thrashing about. Brad came rushing in. Not again. This always happened but Matt never told Brad anything. He shook Matt awake.

"Hey. Hey, it's just me Matt, it's Brad" Matt looked at his brother, confused until Brad wrapped his arms around his younger sibling. Matt just melted into his touch. "Do you want to tell me?"

Matt nodded. "I-I keep having the same nightmares. I'm scared that Adam's gonna come for me. And I keep thinking that my life is gonna fall apart. That I'm gonna lose everyone I care about"

Brad comforted him, rubbing his hands across Matt's back "Shh, shh it's okay. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere, alright? Your life won't fall apart because we all love you, we are here for you Matty"

Matt snuggled closer in Brad's arms. "And Adam?"

"He won't hurt you, baby. I won't let him because he'll have to get through me first"

"Thank you, bwad" when Matt starts talking like a child you know he's really affected by something.

Brad starts humming Painkiller, feeling Matt relax, and smiling. He always thought Matt was cute and adorable when they had cuddles, even when they were kids.

He kissed the top of Matt's head. "I love you, Matt" but Matt was already sound asleep. He pulled the covers over them and pulled his brother closer, interlocking his hand with Matt's. He breaths in the scent of Matt, cigarettes and chocolate mixed with the tiniest hint of alcohol.

He sighed, if he ever saw Adam again, he'd kill him. How could he do this to his baby brother? Brad pushed those thoughts away as he felt Matt's lips on his own. Matt pulled away.

"Sorry. Adam and I used to do that. I'm still trying to get used to being without him"

"I don't mind, I liked it actually. Plus, I'm here now. I'm his replacement"

Matt giggled. "Well if you think you're better in bed than he was, I'm not complaining"

Both of them knew it was wrong but ever since Matt moved back in, they both started getting feelings for each other. Neither thought the other sibling would like them back in that way.

Brad rolled over so he was hovering over Matt, pinning him down. "Well, let's find out shall we?"

Matt just growled in response, smashing his lips against Brad's.

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