Fallen Angel (Adam x Neil)

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Adam sighed as he turned off the shower, stepping out and grabbing a towel. He dried himself before wrapping the towel around his waist, then using another towel to dry his long hair as best he could. Adam walked into his bedroom, shivering from the sudden coldness. He grabbed his clothes from the table he chucked them on earlier and placed them on his bed, taking the towel off and lazily changing. He rubbed his face before picking up the small bottle, he opened it and swallowed a couple of the pills.

Adam picked up the towel he threw on the floor and headed for the stairs, as he was walking down, an almighty loud crash was heard, making Adam jump and trip down a couple steps.

"What the fuck?"

It sounded like it came from outside. Adam rushed down the stairs and towards his backyard. He threw his door open and stared at the astonishment before him. There was a huge hole in his yard, smoke rising up. Adam slowly stepped closer, straining his eyes to see beyond the smoke. Then suddenly, a figure emerged from the ground. Adam couldn't believe his eyes, the figure appeared to be human but the weirdest thing is that the figure had wings.

"Who are you?" he called out.

The figure just look at Adam, then looked around. "I'm here to protect a human" Adam was stunned that this creature could speak English. "I'm the guardian angel of the human I need to protect. They are in danger"

"Well, uhh..." Adam cleared his throat awkwardly. "Why don't you come in and I can help you, yeah? Find whoever you're looking for?"

The angel just walked on, stepping inside Adam's home. Adam shook his head, I gotta lay off the pills, then went back inside. He saw the angel had tucked his wings in, how fucking considerate, he thought.

"So, let's start with your name"

"My name is irrelevant" the angel spoke as he turned to face Adam.

"Well then, rude. The name of the person you're looking for then?"

"Adam Wade Gontier. I need to find him immediately"

Adam's eyes widened, why is an angel looking for him? Why is he in danger? What's going on?

"Th-that's m-me" he stuttered. The angel just looked him over. "I'm A-adam"

"You are indeed. Not what I was expecting, a bit dark but we have no time to fuss"

"Dark?" Adam looked at his clothes, he was wearing all black, even his hair was black. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" Adam yelled.

He was suddenly pinned to a wall, the angel looked very imitating. "I am an angel of the lord, I can crush you with the snap of my fingers. I am here to save you, don't make me show my wrath" he let go of Adam, who just tightened his hoodie around him. "And if you must know, human, my name is Neil"

Before Adam could do anything, Neil told him to get ready before a flash of light appeared, which made Adam jump.

"Demons" Neil snarled at the two demons.

"Are Sam and Dean Winchester gonna turn up too?" Adam nervously spoke.

He flinched as the demons said he's coming with them, then a fight broke out. Adam ran for cover as Neil fought with the female demon whilst the male lunged for him. He yelped as he was lifted in the air by his throat, trying to kick his legs out but he couldn't move. He saw the black eyes of the demon, he felt like he was being pulled in by them.

Adam suddenly fell to the floor, coughing for air, he looked up and saw Neil fighting both of them. Then Adam felt pain in his side, he looked down and saw blood dripping onto the floor, he groaned as he got up only to be handled by one of them. He didn't know who it was at first, but felt wings held around him tightly, protecting him. He heard a loud bang along with a bright light, Adam also felt intense heat all around him.

When it was over, the wings let go of him, Adam instantly collapsed in Neil's arms, he groaned again, the air felt electric and it hurt, he focused his vision and realised he was being carried to his bed.

"Are they g-gone?" he said weakly.

"Don't talk, you got caught in the backfire of my powers, that's why you feel like you do now. Nothing to do with your wound"

Adam tried to watch as Neil placed his hand over his wound, he saw Neil's hand glow for a couple seconds, then he moved his hand away, Adam's wound disappeared. He felt so much better, he grabbed his pill bottle and swallowed some down.

"Why are demons after me?"

"The King of Hell wants you, your mind, body and soul. We mustn't let that happen, you are destined to go to heaven, Adam"

Adam slowly sat up, then sadly looked at Neil. "I suppose you'll be leaving me now?"

"I am your guardian angel Adam, I cannot leave you, especially when demons are after you"

"So, you're just gonna live with me now?"

Neil didn't answer, he just checked Adam over for any other injuries, but there were none. Adam bit his lip as he scooted closer to Neil, who generated a lot of body heat. Neil sighed before stretching his wings out, Adam absentmindedly reached a hand out and petted the white feathers, lost in thought. He was brought out of his thoughts when Neil spoke.

"You're different Adam, special. In the thousands of years I've protected the beings of this universe, I have never come across someone as special as you" he looked into Adam's blue eyes. "There's just something about you"

"Trust me, I'm nothing special" Adam grumbled.

"You're wrong. When I wrapped my wings around you, I felt something, a human emotion. I don't know what the feeling is"

Adam is almost certain he knows what Neil is talking about and in a strange way, he thinks he feels the same. Then he suddenly got an idea, time to test it out. He sat up and leant closer to Neil, who didn't know what Adam was doing until he felt lips on his. Kissing! He's kissing Neil! The angel realised what that feeling is, love. It's love. Neil kissed back, wings wrapped around Adam again. Then he suddenly pulled away.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot"

"What do you mean?"

"It is forbidden to have anything with a human. I am just your guardian angel, Adam"

"...okay" Adam looked down, he was very upset.

Why does he always get hurt? Why does life want to break him so badly? What did Adam do to deserve this? He wiped his tears away before Neil noticed, shifting away from him and curled up.

"I wanna sleep now so go do whatever, just don't disturb me"

"Adam, I'm s-"

"Please just leave me alone for awhile"

Neil did just that, he walked around Adam's home, setting up some defences, killing the group of demons that appeared to get Adam. He's not safe here but Adam will refuse to leave, typical humans.

He went back to Adam, the human still sleeping but Neil knew he was pretending. He gently grabbed Adam's hand, which made him 'stir'. He mutters Adam's name, watching as Adam rubs his face before sitting up.

"This can be our secret. No one will know"


Adam was taken aback by the kiss Neil bravely pursued seconds after. He fell into Neil's waiting arms, he felt a weird sensation coming from the wings around him, but the feeling made him feel better. He thrusted Neil's hands into his black hair, gently tugging his hands. He grabbed Neil's wings and ran his fingers through them, a soft gasp escaped Neil.

"I'm your fallen angel" Adam smiled in between kisses.

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