The Emo Boy (Adam x Matt)

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Adam, Matt and Brad, Matt's older brother, went to the same high school together. Adam was the emo boy, Matt the womaniser jock, and Brad the slight nerd. Matt always bullied Adam, Brad didn't like it but never stopped him. Adam hated it and he hated the Walst brothers with a passion, he was so happy when school finally ended. No more seeing Matt.

Matt was a dick, loved hot girls, constantly fucked chicks in the school bathrooms. Well he'd do them anywhere he could, just couldn't keep it in his pants. How he got away with the shit he did was a joke.

Brad was cute-ish, only a little bit nerd, but was quite popular due to his brother. He was a proper New Romantic, like he came straight outta the '80s. Very fashionable and stylish. Didn't like his brothers attitude at all but he stood by his side, after all that was his brother so why wouldn't he?

And there was Adam, the hardcore emo, music anything heavy, head banging all the time, arms already covered in tattoos, gay but no one knew that secret. But softie inside, but looked like he could kill you, except for Matt and Brad, he would kill them given the chance.

He already has scars where there was no tattoos on his arms, but come graduation day, his body was covered head to toe in scars. The damage was done, Adam was broken, unhinged. Such a sweet caring boy turned into a madman. An animal.


Years went by, the three reached adulthood. Brad stayed in their hometown, Matt moved to LA, still a womaniser. And Adam, he never left the city, people thought he was dead, not a soul heard about him since graduation. He stayed cooped up, in the shadows like a monster. When one day, Adam heard Matt was coming to town to stay with Brad. Now's his chance.

He prepared everything, including himself, for Matt's...let's say...arrival. Matt always walked everywhere at night, he had to go through a dark alley to get to Brad's. As he walked he lit up a cigarette, taking a drag as the alley came into view.

He walked through the dark, wishing for a streetlight, when suddenly BANG and everything went black, the cigarette falling into a puddle.


Matt awoke to a headache and being restricted. His eyes opened to complete darkness. A light turned on and Matt realised he was chained to a chair. Screaming for help, the door swung open revealing a tall built man, his long black greasy hair covering most of his face but a white plastic mask covered his mouth. He stepped forward in front of Matt.

"Who the fuck are you?! What the fuck do you want prick!" an angered Matt yelled.

"You don't recognise me?" the gruff voice answered. As soon as Matt heard that voice, he knew who it was.

"Adam Gontier?!"

Adam took his mask off, chucked it across the room, and moved his hair out of his face. As soon as Matt looked into Adam's beautiful blue eyes he instantly fell in love with him, he didn't know why. He hates Adam but he loves him at the same time.

"So, you do know my name" Adam replied.

"If you don't let me go I swear to god-" Adam cut him off.

"And how the fuck do you think you can do anything when you're tied up, hmm?"

Matt growled in response, knowing Adam was right. He couldn't do anything, he needs to escape. Now. Matt watched as Adam walked around the room, only now seeing metal tables covered in tools, knives and guns. He gulps, panicked, at how serious the emo boy is.

"What do you want from me?" he questioned.

Adam paused in front of the boy he hated. He bent down, resting his hands on the arms to the chair. "Do you remember what you were like to me in school? You made my life a living hell. And your brother did nothing! Nothing to stop it! But you-" he pointed right at Matt's face. "-you bastard fucked me up. But I actually fell in love with you Matt. I loved you for some strange reason. And I desperately wanted you to love me too, that went out the window that day you stabbed me. That's when I felt nothing for you. You ruined my fucking life"

Matt didn't know what to say, he didn't know why he was always like that towards Adam, and now he regrets it.

"I-I ...I love you now. When you took that mask off, I fell in love. I can make it up to you now, just give me a chance Adam. Please? I'm sorry, okay? I don't know why I acted like I did, I swear"

Adam just laughed, laughed like the evil maniac he is. "It's too late for that now Matty" he said Matt's name seductively.

"It's not too late. It's never too late, Adam. Please I'm begging you" Matt pleaded.

"That doesn't sound like begging to me, jock boy" Matt was about to speak when Adam spoke up first. "Right!" He clapped his hands together. "Let's get down to business"

By now Matt was shitting himself, not literally just yet though, he frantically begged Adam not to do anything. Adam went over to one of the tables, and picked something up.

Matt whimpered as Adam advanced with a mini bolt cutter in his hand. "Don't do this Adam! Please don't hurt me!" Adam scoffed at his response.

"What? Like you hurt me when we were kids? This is my revenge Matt. No one will save you, not even Brad. You see, I drugged him so he will be out cold on his couch all night. By then it will be too late for you" he laughed manically, making Matt wince.

Adam smirked as he grabbed Matt's right hand. "Not that hand! I need that hand..." Matt trailed off, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. Adam knew that Matt used his right hand to jerk off clearly from that response.

He placed the bolt cutter over Matt's index finger, the jock trying to fight it as hard as he can, when Adam squeezes the handles together. Blood sprays everywhere as Matt screams in pain, his finger dropping to the ground, completely useless now. Adam can taste Matt's blood on his mouth so he licks his lips.

"You bastard! I'll fucking get you! I'll kill you! You fucking animal" Matt spat out the last sentence.

Adam held his arms out. "What can I say? No one will ever change this animal I have become" he sang out amused.

Matt went into a trance of pain and blood as Adam cut off all of his fingers, his screams voicing out but it was like someone else was in control of his body. Matt didn't want this, all he wanted was a little bit of the good life. Just a tiny part would do. Adam was having a field day, screaming and yelling of happiness at Matt's pain. What a bastard.

Adam soon enough went onto knives. Slicing bits of skin off, skinning Matt alive. Chopping here and there, hands, even an arm, ears, teeth, any body part he didn't like on Matt fell to the floor in a bloody mess.

"There goes your leg!" giggled Adam as Matt spat out blood. He groaned, wishing he was dead already so he didn't have to suffer.

Matt looked like he's just been through a blender, you would think Matt was the monster just by looking at him. But Adam's the monster with a twisted mind, a killer. Matt was barely conscious, when Adam ripped the jeans Matt was wearing off, cutting his boxers out the way. He picked up the large bolt cutters with one hand, using the other to pull Matt's dick out.

"No one will fuck you now, you piece of shit. Look at you. Disgusting"

Matt couldn't even scream out as Adam cut his dick off, his voice was barely working with the amount of screaming he's done.

Matt bled out rapidly, he just barely held his gaze with Adam's, praying to him to get it over with.


Adam was covered in blood, as he drunk out of a whiskey bottle. He eyed the end table, smashing the bottle against the wall. "Ah fuck it. You'll be gone shortly anyway" Adam mused.

He picked up his chosen item. He pulled Matt's head up by his hair to look at him. "You never learned, did you? All of this-" Adam gestured around the room and the mess on the floor. "-was too easy for you Matt. You deserve much worse than what I've done but you'll get it worse soon enough" Adam roughly threw Matt's head back as he let go. He shoved the barrel of the gun into Matt's mouth. Matt was glad this was it, finally over.

"See you in hell, Walst" Adam sang, then pulled the trigger.

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