Miracle Part 3 (Adam x Matt)

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"Arghhh" Matt gripped his belly as Adam drove faster to the hospital.

"It's alright baby, the others are on their way as well. You'll be fine" Adam reassured, keeping his eyes on the road whilst he held Matt's hand. When they eventually got to the hospital, Adam helped Matt hobble into the reception room, gaining raised eyebrows from the people in the waiting room.

"My boyfriend is about to give birth" Adam said rather calmly. The receptionist called nurses and doctors over. They weren't even fazed, the staff see weird things all the time so they just get on with their job. They took him to the labor ward, Adam calmly following behind. They walked Matt into the room, and gave him more suitable clothes. The other guys finally arrived, but they were told to wait in the waiting room. Adam helped Matt get changed.

"I'm right here, okay. I'm here for you" he took Matt's hands in his own.

The nurse came in. "We'll give you gas and air. The contractions should be nearly over. Do you want a natural birth or a c-section?"

"No no no! No knives or needles. No nothing. Just natural"

Matt was told to get on his hands and knees, Adam held his hand whilst he rubbed his other hand up and down Matt's back.

Matt grunted in pain as the final big contraction came.

"Alright, it's time to start pushing, Mr Walst" the doctor said as he came over.

Matt screamed out as he started to push. He gripped Adam's hand.

"If you squeeze any harder, you'll break my hand darling" Adam winced.

"You try having a bloody baby then!" he yelled at Adam.

Matt panted as he breathed in the gas and air, pushing as he feels the baby moving towards his ass.

"It's okay, baby. Just keep pushing. It'll be over soon" Adam comforted Matt.

"I see the head, Mr Walst. Just a few more pushes" the doctor announced. Matt kept pushing, yelping, digging his nails into Adam's hand.

"Nearly there. Just one more push, Mr Walst. One big final push, okay"

Matt took a deep breath before pushing as hard as he can.

"Oh my god" Adam gasped.

The room filled with cries of their baby, getting wrapped up in blankets.

"Mr Walst is losing too much blood. We'll need to get him to theatre now"

"Is he gonna be okay?" Adam asked.

"We'll do all we can but it's too early to say, Mr Gontier"

The doctors wheeled Matt off, Adam turned around to their baby. The nurse held her arms out to Adam.

"You have a beautiful baby girl"

Adam smiled and he took his daughter into his arms. Her sky blue eyes looked at him, she smiled which made Adam cry. Her tiny hand wrapped around Adam's little finger. Adam felt so proud, not just for Matt but for himself too. Adam was allowed to walk around so to walked to the waiting room.

Brad was pacing uncontrollably, worried sick, something felt off, he could feel something wasn't right. Neil tried to calm him down, Barry was in his own little world. Brad noticed Adam and ran over to him, gasping at the little bundle of joy in his arms.

"Aww Adam! Congrats man! Is Matt okay?" Brad asked.

"He lost a lot of blood so he's in theatre" Adam said sadly.

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