Killer In The Mirror (Adam x Neil)

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Adam walks into the swimming centre for the party, greeting everyone. As he does, people give him dirty looks behind his back.

As he talks with the leader of the party, Neil, a bunch of people come up behind him and grab him, dragging him along the floor.

As he struggles, a group get in the water whilst he's dragged to the edge of the pool, getting passed to the ones in the pool.

Adam takes a deep breath in as they push him under water, Neil laughing as he watches. He thrashes about, silently screaming as he looses air. Adam's breathing slows down, his life flashes before his eyes until eventually his movements comes to a stop. Adam's body floats in the water.

Neil stands at the edge, raising a glass to Adam's body.

Adam suddenly wakes up in a dark place. He coughs, feeling cold and wet. Adam looks around, confused.

He looks through the mirror in front of him, seeing the party carry on without him. He walks around trying to find a way out, but finds himself looking back at the mirror every few minutes.

Adam bites his lip as he looks at his hands, getting angry to why he's stuck here. Adam looks back to the mirror and runs towards it.

The next thing Adam knew, he was rising from the pool, a glare set in his face. Everyone started screaming and running away, as Adam walked towards the edge of the pool, getting out.

As he walked, everyone changed, they all stood at the edge, looking in the water. Neil cowered in the corner, frantically darting his eyes around.

As Adam walked closer, one by one the guests jumped into the pool, holding themselves under. Neil pleaded Adam to stop as he advanced, slipping on the wet surface. All the people in the water struggled, when Adam raised his hand up slowly, everyone in the water swam onto the surface as if controlled by Adam.

They climbed out of the pool, a small group grabbed Neil, dragging him as they did to Adam before hand. They dragged him into the water, Neil screamed out as they held him under water. He struggled just as Adam did.

Adam raised his arms in the air as Neil grew weaker and weaker, until finally all movements ceased, which made Adam look at the sight and evilly smirk.

Adam is the killer in the mirror.

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