New Life (3DG x Fem Reader)

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It's been a few months since Three Days Grace and Adam 'adopted' you, you haven't heard anything about your parents, as if they care. It's been hard, you can't help but flinch away sometimes when the guys hug or touch you, it's because of all the years of abuse. They've helped you so much, teaching you what a real life is like. Especially Adam, you don't know exactly why but you're closer to Adam than the others, you feel bad because Adam knows secrets that you told him that the other guys don't.

Especially when you have nightmares almost every night, and because Adam's room is right next to yours, he's the closest to your room so he ends up cradling you until you fall asleep. You always have a very tight grip on his arm so he can't leave, he has to sleep next to you but he doesn't mind. Your room is awesome, the guys brought you everything, they've been spoiling you, in a good way of course. You have a new life with your heroes.

"Y/n? You alright?"

You snap from your thoughts, looking around at the guys.

"You haven't touched your food"

"Oh. Not hungry" you shrug.

You catch Adam's worried glance and sigh, you get up to make coffee and motion him over. He speeds over, leaving his food behind, which he never does, him and food are inseparable.

"Okay, if you tell me, I'll tell you where my secret chocolate stash is. Deal?"

You nod, handing him a cup of coffee too.

"They never really fed me. They would only give me their cold horrible scraps of food they didn't want. And even then it wasn't everyday" you whispered.

"You'd go days without eating?"

"That's why I always asked you guys if I could eat outside, I'd just feed my food to the dogs. I'm just so used to not eating, I just didn't wanna ruin things so I didn't say anything"

"We'll take it slow, yeah? Little bits at a time and gradually go from there" Adam ruffled your hair which made you glare at him. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I mess up your hair?" Adam playfully joked.

"If you're not careful, I'll shave all of yours off, Mr Gontier"

"Ooh, touché" he raised his hands in defence, a smirk playing on his lips.

But his joke worked, it made you smile. After Adam told you were his secret stash is, you knew you can annoy the hell out of Matt now. You smiled mischievously, you always love winding up Matt, Adam caught your look, he knew what you were thinking.

"Right, pissing Matt off can wait, kiddo. Go up and get ready, we have a long day ahead of us, don't worry, it'll be fun" he winked at you.

"As long as it's not bingo or feeding the ducks like you old people like to do"

"Did you just call me old?" Adam gasps. "I'll have you know I'm only twenty five!" he sassily waved his finger about, you just rolled your eyes at him, which made Adam be even more sassy, yelling after you that he's always been twenty five with proof as you walked upstairs, everyone else laughing at Adam, you can always have a laugh with him.


After getting ready, the guys take you out for the day. One of them had to hold their hands over your eyes so you wouldn't see where you guys were going. You constantly asked questions about where they were taking you, all of which they kept telling you that it's a surprise.

The first stop was at a clothing store, Neil and Barry took you in, you got to spend time with each of them individually. They brought you more clothes that you could all carry, they loved spoiling you. They got you to try on the clothes they picked out, Neil acted all camp, acting like a professional photographer and pretended to take photos of you, you swear Neil is actually gay.

After a couple hours with Barry and Neil, it was Brad and Matt's turn, Adam drove you to the arcade where the Walst brothers rushed you inside. You played as many games as you could, Matt and Brad won loads of prizes just for you, you loved it. A few more hours go by, then lunch comes around, you and the guys sit down at a park and eat. Adam had to pull you into his lap and feed you bits of his food, you wouldn't let anyone but Adam feed you. You and him have something special.

After lunch, Adam took you to a huge supermarket. As soon as you stepped out of his car, Adam swooped you up in his arms and placed you in a shopping cart.

"You child" you laughed at him.

He then ran into the store, pushing you in the cart, both of you speeding down the aisles. Adam picked up whatever food he liked the look of and tossed it into the cart. Soon enough, you were buried under boxes and packets of random food. You kept chucking food at Adam, 100 points if you hit his head which you did many times.

Eventually, Adam helped you out of the cart as you stood in a queue to pay.

"I think you're gonna need a bigger car"

"This isn't Jaws, darling" Adam replied.

After he payed and everything was shoved back in the cart, Adam smirked at you. You knew what he was thinking, you both took off, running to the exit to see who would win. You accidentally tripped Adam so you could win the race which resulted in Adam falling on top of you. He looked into your eyes, making you blush so you looked down, which you blushed harder at when you saw Adam was flush against you. He just smirked at you as you squirmed under him. What Adam did next made your heart explode, he cupped your cheek and leaned in, pressing his lips to yours, of course you kissed back, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. He kissed you deeply and passionately. You'll never forget that kiss.

Adam was the one blushing like mad when he pulled away, reluctantly getting up and helping you up too. You intertwined your fingers with his, you two holding hands as he pushed the cart outside. The others clapped as they saw both of you.

"Finally! You both realised!" Neil cheered.

"You all knew?" Adam asked.

"It's pretty obvious how much you like each other"

You and Adam both looked at each other before he pulled you against him and kissed you again. Matt and Neil made gagging noises and pretended to gag, both getting a playful slap by you and Adam.

After that day, you both knew a start to a beautiful relationship was about to blossom. You would've never guessed that you're in love with your best friend. You're in love with one of your heroes, Adam Wade Gontier.

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