Tattoos (Adam x Brad)

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Adam sighed as he finished his beer off, he got off the stool and went outside of the bar, lighting up a cigarette. He checked the time on his phone as he took a drag.

He needed to get back to his boyfriend, he sighed again as he started walking, he quickly finished his cigarette as he crossed the road, pulling his jacket around him tighter. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket so he pulled it out. His boyfriend wanted to know where he was, before Adam could text back a reply, he felt a piece of cloth on his mouth causing him to drop his phone.

As Adam struggled, he felt himself getting sleepy, the last thing he remembered was falling to the ground as a man stood above him.


Adam gasped as he woke up, feeling a bit woozy. He found himself shirtless and strapped down on a silver metallic table. He shouted for help, panicking as he didn't know what will happen to him.

The same man from before walked in, a hood pulled up over his head, a slightly grey beard on his face, shades covering his eyes.

"Let me go!" Adam demanded, anger building inside him.

The man tutted, taking his sunglasses off. Adam looked up, blue eyes staring back at him. His kidnapper traced his fingers over Adam's tattoos, looking at them in disgust.

"What I'm gonna do to you will hopefully be a reminder not to disgrace your skin. I want you to look at your scars and think about me, maybe then you won't destroy your body in these" he said whilst gesturing to the tattoos on Gontier.

Adam was nervous, he better not do what I think he'll do.

"Who are you!? Let me go!" Adam struggled against his restraints.

"Now, now. No need to get angry. You'll thank me later. I'm the blessing for your curse" he whispered.

"Go to hell" Adam spat at him.

"Been there. Devil didn't like me and spat me back out"

Adam's attacker moved away, then came back over with a knife in his latex gloved hands.

"Oh, hell no! Get the fuck away from me, you sick fuck!"

But Adam couldn't do anything since he's strapped down, all he could do however, is scream out as the first cut was made.

Begging to stop, Adam cried and screamed as the man before him started cutting his skin away, removing his tattoos.

Adam thought about his boyfriend, knowing he'll be worried out of his mind. The twisted man delicately skinned the tattoos off, cutting layer after layer away, going no further than where the tattoos stop.

Adam's vision blurred, his whole body tensed as his arms were unstrapped and turned around, then restrapped so every inch of the artwork on his skin could be cut off. His voice was hoarse from screaming, he was barely conscious as the knife was only halfway through. When he felt sharp pains on his chest, he instantly passed out, but quickly woke up as he felt a needle in his neck.

"W-why do t-this?"

The man ignored him as he worked on Adam's last tattoo. Adam forced himself to zone out, not thinking about what he'll look like.

The cloth went back over Adam's mouth again, he cried as his eyes closed, shutting everything out.


Adam woke up to find himself on an empty street, anything could of happened to him whilst he was passed out. He saw the sun beginning to rise as he looked at his blood soaked bandaged arms, knowing he'll be scarred forever.

My tattoos! All gone...

He just simply cried out for a while. He can't believe his tattoos are gone, forever. Skinned off his body. Adam wonders what that guy will do with the bits of his once tattoos.

Adam gets up after a while, heading back home to people fretting over him whilst all Adam could think about is the tattoos he once had.

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