Quench My Desire (Brad x Neil)

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Neil woke up to weight on him, he opened his eyes and saw Brad sat on him so he tiredly gave him a half smile.

Brad smiled back, leaning down to kiss him. As they passionately and slowly kissed, Neil's hands slipped under Brad's boxers and cupped his ass. Brad slipped his hands under his shirt that Neil was wearing, tracing his fingers lightly over his skin.

"What a nice way to be woken up. By my baby boy"

"Hmm, yes daddy" Brad smiled as Neil started slowly grinding Brad's ass against him.

Neil tilted his head back as Brad was grinding down on him slightly harder to get more friction, kissing across his neck.

"Come here baby, sit on daddy's chest"

Brad giggled as he moved over, Neil grabbed his hips as his lips kissed just above Brad's waistband, leaving a hickey behind.

Brad snaked his hand into Neil's hair as Neil slowly pulls his boxers down slightly just to tease him. He kisses along what he revealed, before he pulled his boxers back up.

Brad pouted but resumed the original position he was in, but he had one leg in between Neil's thighs. They started kissing again, as they were, Brad slowly rubbed his leg against Neil which caused Neil to nibble on Brad's bottom lip. Brad started grinding on Neil again as he left hickeys down his neck.

Neil wrapped his arms around Brad, he wrapped his legs around him too. They started another make out session, both of them getting aroused.

"Baby, I'm gonna fuck you so damn slowly you'll be begging for it"

"Daddy, please. Torture me" Brad smirked against Neil's lips.

Neil grabbed Brad's ass again but was interrupted by his phone ringing.

"Damnit. Looks like the studio is waiting" Neil groaned.

Brad didn't want to go so he moved his hand to Neil's crotch. He slowly palmed him but used more pressure.

Neil gave in, bucking himself into Brad's hand. He moaned into Brad's neck.

Some time went by, Brad was now just cuddling Neil, both of them lazily kissed occasionally. Neil was content to just have his boyfriend curled up in his arms. Brad buried his face into Neil's chest, nearly falling asleep again but jumped at Neil's phone ringing again.

"Adam's so inpatient. Sorry Brad but we have to go or Adz is gonna kill us" he chuckled.

Brad groaned, refusing to get up. Neil rubbed his arms.

"C'mon baby. I know, I don't wanna get up either. But I promise I'll treat you later"

"Ugh. Fine. But I'm gonna make Adam know I'm not happy that we have to go in early"

Neil just chuckles at him. Brad gets up and pulls Neil up too and get ready to leave.

Let's just say the whole way to the studio and whilst they were there, Brad mega teased Neil, which made Neil decide that he'll punish Brad for teasing the fuck out of him, and Brad loved it.

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