Sick (Adam x Matt)

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Adam trudges down the stairs after waking up, yawning as he sorts out the thermometer. He walks into the living room, kneeling down in front of the couch. There slept an unwell Matt, covered in about five blankets, but with sweat dripping off him. Adam gently woke him up.

"What is it?" groaned Matt before coughing.

"Let me take your temperature, alright?" Matt nodded as Adam started.

He took Matt's temperature, whilst giving him some medicine. Matt coughed again after the medicine.

"I know baby, being sick isn't very nice" Adam rubbed Matt's back, as he frowned. "Your temp has gone up. You sure you don't want to see a doctor?"

Matt shook his head, he doesn't like doctors due to losing his older brother, Brad, at the hospital. Brad had a brain tumour which wasn't noticed in time, that's how he met Adam.

Adam had overdosed and was hospitalised, he saw Matt trying to jump out of the window at the end of the corridor after waking up and stopped Matt. They just clicked straight away. Ever since then they've been together.

Adam sighed, and got up from the end on the couch. He popped the TV on for Matt. "I'll make you some soup, okay sweetheart?"

"I just hope I keep it down this time" Matt loves Adam's soup, he makes it thick and creamy, Matt doesn't know how his boyfriend makes it so good. Adam doesn't let him in the kitchen when he makes soup, he has a secret way of making soup. Matt zoned out while he was watching the telly, when his name was being called. He jumped out of his skin as Adam sat down next to him with two bowls. Adam smiled apologetically at Matt as he took the bowl from Adam.

As they ate, they made some small talk, Adam knew Matt needed to be left alone while he eats, he was keeping it down well. Until he started coughing, Adam immediately put his food down and started patting Matt's back, as he took the bowl and replaced it with the sick bowl. Matt threw up his breakfast.

"It's alright baby. Just let it out" Adam soothed.

Matt finished puking up, he was handed the cloth, wiped his mouth, then Adam cleans the bowl up. Then washed the food bowls.

Adam knew how to cheer Matt up, when he walked back into the living room. He put on a movie marathon. "Do you need anymore blankets?" he asked, as Matt was shivering like mad.

"I'm too hot"

"I know baby, I know" Adam always hated seeing Matt sick, Matt never coped well when he is unwell. He always need to be dependent on someone, it used to be Brad when they were kids, he never does well when he's sick, but this time he's actually coping better than Adam expected.

Especially when it would've been Brad's birthday last month, Matt stayed by his brothers grave all night in the pouring rain with just a hoodie on. That's how he got the flu. Adam always felt sorry for him, no one else cared about Matt part from Adam and Brad, but now Brad's gone and Matt can't help think that the world will take Adam away from him too.

He sat down next to Matt. The younger boyfriend curled up to Adam, resting his head on Gontier's chest, tattooed arms held around him protectively.


The day went peacefully, Matt only threw up a couple times during the films. It was nearly dinner time, when the films finished. Adam looked down at Matt and saw him fast asleep, he smiled and pushed a couple of strands of Matt's hair out of his eyes. He has been thinking of proposing to Matt, but he's never found the right time. He has to do it, Matt needs it for the sake of his own mind.

Adam turned off the TV, sighing as he needed a pee, but not wanting to wake Matt up. He's going to hold it in for as long as possible. Adam grabbed his phone and scrolled through his Instagram. He was always getting hate because he's gay, Matt doesn't at all, most likely because everyone knew Matt was gay. But for Adam, no one expected it at all, but he just ignores the hate. Why waste energy on it? Matt stirred slightly but when he didn't wake up, Adam released the breath he didn't realise he was holding. He put his phone down and started playing with Matt's hair.


In the evening, Adam didn't have any food, he didn't feel right eating if Matt couldn't eat so he just didn't. Matt tried to convince Adam to eat but it went to no avail. Adam rubbed his eyes with his hands as he laid down behind Matt, holding him close to his chest. Adam leaned down.

"You'll get sick too if you do" Matt moved his head away.

"I don't care if I do. It's not gonna stop me kissing you" Adam retorted.

He leaned back down again and brushed his lips against Matt's.

Matt couldn't help himself but to deepen the kiss, he melted into it. Adam pulled away, much to Matt's disapproval. He giggled at Matt's pouty face. Matt smiled as he buried his face in the crook of Adam's neck. Within seconds Matt was softly snoring, with his older boyfriend smiling like an idiot before falling asleep himself.


Adam awoke the next morning to hot lust filled kisses on his neck, Matt tried to moan, but instead coughing, as he found Adam's hand slowly tracing his hip. Adam knew what he had to do. After both boys fully woke up, Adam found Matt curled up on the couch, looking even worse than the day before. He took a deep breath in and got on one knee in front of Matt. The younger boy's breath hitched as Adam pulled out a small black box.

"Matthew Jean Paul Walst, will you marry me?" Adam asked.

"Yes!" yelled Matt.

Adam smiled from ear to ear as he opened the box, slipping the ring on Matt's finger. Both gasped at how the ring looks on Matt. The younger one wrapped his arms around Adam's neck, he couldn't believe it, Adam proposed to him! Matt started coughing, Adam placed him on the couch.

"Easy there. Calm down, we got a bit excited there didn't we?" Adam patted Matt's back.

Once Matt calmed down, he frowned. "I miss him"

"I know you do" Adam cupped Matt's cheek. "But like I've said, Brad is always with us, in our hearts" he placed his finger over Matt's heart.

"I know, but he can't see me get married"

This time, Adam didn't know what to say so he embraced Matt. Matt realised that Adam didn't have anything to say to comfort him, which means it's true, Brad won't ever see his baby brother get married to the love of his life.

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