Happy Birthday (Adam x Brad)

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Happy birthday Adam

Adam smiles at the text from his mom, texting her back. He put his phone on the bedside table, getting up from the hotel bed.

Saint Asonia were currently touring, but they didn't have any shows for the next couple of days. Adam preferred if they could play a show today, all those fans singing happy birthday to him, instead he's getting a fancy meal with the band tonight, so for the whole day, Adam has nothing to do.

Then there's a knock on the door, Adam walks over and opens the door. He's greeted by a waiter with a trolley that has a huge five tier cake on it.


"This is for you sir" the waiter wheels the cake into the room and leaves, closing the door behind him, leaving Adam to marvel at the massive cake in front of him. He notices a note, Adam picks it up.

Happy Birthday Adam! Wow, I can't believe you are 43 now, it only seems like yesterday that we first met! Anyway, enjoy your day.

Just as Adam finishes reading the note, the cake explodes, he jumps and looks up, noticing Brad stood inside the cake.

"Surprise!" Brad yells.

"What the hell?!"

"I'd thought I'd surprise you" Brad frowns. "Don't you like it?"

"No-I...I love it! I just wasn't expecting it" he smiles. "Did you do all this just for me?"

Brad nodded. He tried to get out of the cake, Adam noticed and helped him out.

"Now, I have a present for you but it's a risk, I don't know how you'll react to it"

"Go on" Adam's curiosity was piqued.

"Your present is me" Brad said nervously. "You can do whatever you want with me"

Adam's eyes widened. "Oh my god Brad"

"You don't like it, I should've known. You're not into that stuff" Brad started to leave.

"Brad, wait!" Adam called after him, making Brad turn around. "I never said that" he walked up to Brad. "I've uh...I've always known about your crush on me, I was worried at first but when you never made a move, I just acted as normal"

"How do you about that?"

"Did you seriously think I wouldn't know those fan letters were from you? They were in your handwriting" he smirked.

Brad just blushed a bright red. "So, what now? You're not gay. Are you?"

"Well, I'm always open to try new things" Adam pulled Brad to the middle of the room. "Now, take your clothes off and get on the bed"

Brad blushed harder but did what he was told, starting with his shirt, dropping it to the floor. Next, he unbuckled his belt, breathing becoming heavier as piecing blue eyes were fixed on him. Slowly, Brad pulls his jeans off, kicking out of his shoes and socks, he catches Adam's gaze, feeling his boxers get tighter. The sight of Adam's already lust filled eyes made him feel like jelly. He slipped his boxers off, feeling eyes check him out.

Adam bit his lip, going over to the cake as Brad gets on the bed. He scoops up a handful of the cake, walking over to Brad. He climbs onto the bed, hovering over him. He covers Brad's top half in cake, letting him lick the cake off his hand. Adam then dips his head, licking up his chest, eating the cake as he went.

"This cake is really good!" Adam says with a mouthful of food, making Brad giggle. "But I bet you taste even better"

"Only one way to find out"

Three Days Grace ShipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora