Crimes are fun!

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Florida: UwU

Loui: OwO

Gov: What are you doing?

Gov: You can't make people just hanging out and being loud illegal.

Florida: You either make everything illegal or everything legal!

Florida: So people can have fun either way!


Florida: Crimes are always fun!

Texas: But that place is haunted.

Loui: Ghosts pray on fear just be confident.

Texas, in the haunted house: I'm not scared! I'm not a pussy!

Florida, hugs Gov: Hi!

Gov: Part of me likes this.

Gov: The other part feels like it's in danger.

Gov: You either buckle down and do your work or you'll end up at McDonalds.

Florida: We going to McDonalds if I don't do my work?

Gov, laughing: No!

Florida: Use ring pops to signify your love in your bromance. 

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