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Very smol KenGeo fluff I made cause I was bored-

Kentucky sat down next to Geo. Georgia could smell the scent of bourbon and smoke. Geo liked the smell as it reminded him of his boyfriend.

"Hey honey." Kentucky greeted, looking over at Geo.

"Hey, how was work?" Georgia asked, he was always intrigued about Kentucky's love of cars.

"Oh you know the usual, just replacing up some tires, doing some oil changes, nothing that interesting." Tucky responded. He loved it when he got someone with an interesting problem in the shop. Most of the time though, that wasn't the case. He still loved the work though.

"Nothing interesting huh?" Georgia asked. Kentucky nodded, leaning his head on Geo's shoulder.

"It's nothing new, but it's still fun, and hey, I love my job." Tucky said, smiling as he moved his head back.

"But I love you the most." Kentucky said, pulling Georgia into a kiss. Kentucky's lips tasted of tobacco with a hint of alcohol. The kiss was rough yet sweet, and Geo loved every second of it.

After a bit the two pulled back, leaning their foreheads against each other.

"I love you." Georgia said, smiling at his boyfriend.

"I love you too." Kentucky responded, smiling back.

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