*Insert stupid title here*

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Mass: My spirit candy is sour patch kids.

Wyoming: TIL that "only" 20 people have been boiled alive in Yellowstone National Park.

Florida: But with your help we can change that.

Florida: For just a small monthly donation, you can help us sacrifice a tourist to old faithful every single day.

Cali: I love bees.

Cali: They're gentle, sweet, cute,

Cali: and they sting when you hurt them.

Florida: Now remember children, drugs make you cool!

Florida: The absolute worst thing a character can do is reveal they like a certain food.

Florida: Cause the fandom will make it their ENTIRE personality.

Fanfic writer Florida: Angst is mood, angst is life.

Fanfic writer Florida, staring at his WIPs: So you gonna start spontaneously generating  

Florida: Russian roulette is the best game.

Florida: You have some fun while the possibility of death looms over you.

Gov, singing while leaving the room: Fuck this shit I'm out.

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