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Ohio: Who needs mental toughness when you can drink wine and cry in a corner!

Ohio: This is cute but can you get off?
Indiana, practically attached to him: I'm sorry but no.

Alabama: You two are friends, why?
Indiana: We both like basketball and cars!
Kentucky: We both were fucked up from the Civil War.
Indiana: And that!

Indiana: Remember to write down your feelings.
Indiana, writing: Aight so I'm just sad.

The Government: Now now Kentucky you have to be strong.
The Government: So I can verbally abuse you about being in a relationship with Georgia.

Kentucky, comforting Indiana: Look I know it's hard...
Kentucky, internally: Why do you care about that murderer!?

Ohio: You've just become a puppy!
Indiana: You're right.

Random headcanon: Xichigan would bully Ohio by playing the sound of gunshots.

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