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Geo: My DC senses are tingling!
Geo: He must've wandered away.

DC, holding bullet shells: Look what I found!
Geo: These are uhh niiice...
DC, walks away:
Geo: Kentucky throw these away now!

IDC, holding a frog: Can we keep it!
Kentucky, sadly: I'm sorry no...

IDC: I'm a strong independent woman!
IDC: I don't need no man!

Ohio: You hurt Kentucky's family.
Ohio: I'll kill your bitch ass.

IDC: Papa are you scared of anything?
Kentucky: No, I'm very strong I do not feel fear-
Kentucky, sees a spider: AAAAH!!!

SC: Why the fuck did you care about Georgia getting burned and not me!?
Ohio: Cause you're dick.

Geo: Look I'm tired ok.
Kentucky: You always are though.
Geo: Yes.

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