Past moments

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Indiana sat next to Ohio, waiting for Alabama to come back. He hugged Ohio, wanting the taller state to hug him back. Ohio got the hint and hugged Indi back.

"Where do you think 'Bama is?" Indiana asked, a bit worried.

"He's only been gone a bit, you can text him if you'd like." Ohio reassured Indi.

"I did but he isn't answering." Indiana said, hugging Ohio tighter.

"He's probably driving." Ohio responded. Indiana nodded, pulling the taller state towards him.

"Don't do that!" Ohio said, jumping slightly and pulling out of Indi's grasp.

"The hugging or me pulling you?" Indiana asked.

"The pulling, tell me if you're gonna do that." Ohio responded, he didn't like being surprised. Indiana made a noise in reply, still hugging Ohio. Ohio continued hugging the shorter state.

Alabama walked through the door greeting the two states.

"How are y'all?" Alabama asked, sitting next to Indi.

"Good now that I know you're ok!" Indiana exclaimed happily, going to hug the southerner.

"I'm fine." Ohio said.

"You wanna do something?" Alabama asked, not sure of what to do.

"We could just cuddle and vibe." Indiana responded, smiling. Alabama hugged Indiana, liking his idea.

The three sat there and talked, Indiana cuddling in between them. It had become pretty late in the day. A sound went off in the distance, a gun shot, at least that's what it sounded like.

Ohio started sweating, feeling anxious. He tried calming himself down which only made it worse. He froze up, his mind and body felt as if it was in the past. His breathing quickened. He could hear what sounded like gun shots, and smell the scent of dirt and blood. He knew those sounds and that scent so well from the war. He started shaking, afraid.

"Hey are you ok?" Alabama asked, reaching his hand out to to touch Ohio. Indiana pushed his hand away.

"Don't do that." Indiana said.

"Ohio, you're having a flashback. You're not there, you're here with me and Alabama." Indiana said, trying to calm him down. Ohio continued hyperventilating and shaking, he still thought he was in the Civil War.

"Just breath in and out, you're safe here." Indiana reassured him.

"Can you tell me what you see?" Indiana asked. Ohio took a moment to respond.

"Th-the c-couch, the tv, y-you, Alabama." Ohio answered, his voice trembling.

"Yes, you're in this room, you're safe here." Indiana reassured Ohio. Ohio calmed down, but was still very anxious, he was still reliving his trauma.

"Can you tell me what you hear?" Indiana asked.

"G-gunshots, your voice." Ohio responded.

"Those shots aren't there, it's just me, you're safe." Indi comforted the scared state. Ohio calmed down some more, still anxious.

"Can you get him some water?" Indi asked Alabama. 'Bama nodded and left to get some water. A few moments later he came back and handed the glass to Indiana.

"Do you want this?" Indiana asked, handing the glass to Ohio.

"No." Ohio responded, shaking his head, feeling calmer now.

"You sure? It'll help you." Indiana asked again.

"I'm sure." Ohio said, looking over at Indi and Alabama. Indiana smiled at him.

"How are you feeling?" Indiana asked, still smiling.

"Better." Ohio responded, smiling back.

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