We welcome your sins

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Florida: Sunday is actually Sinday.


Utah: No!

Mass: Florida's username on Twitter is "Florida_man6969"

Florida: Hot dog dropped out of bun, directly into storm drain.

Loui, crying: It's so sad.

Jaxon: I'm hungry.

Utah: Hi hungry! I'm dad.

Loui: What's the scoop?

Florida: Penis.

Florida: This isn't the Statehouse, it's the Sadhouse.

Cali, at 2:48 am: Yeah I procrastinated all my work till now.

Cali: What are you gonna do about it?

Utah: It's time for church.

Kayleigh: It's 5 am.

Utah: Yeah I know.

Utah: We need to impress god.

Gov, having an existential crisis: Wtf is happening!

Gov: On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your day?

District: -4ish

Indiana, to Alabama and Ohio: I desire cuddles NOW! This is a threat!

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