Bang bang motherfucker!

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Geo, hears gunshots: DC come-

Geo: DC?

Geo: Shit! Where's DC?!

IDC: I'm gonna climb that!

IDC, being unable to climb it:

IDC, trying another 100 times:

Kentucky: Hey how are you doing?

Geo: Dead inside.

IDC, looking out at the war: Wow! It looks so cool!

Kentucky, picking her up and taking her to the basement: Y-Yeah, it's cool...

DC: I desire hugs!

Kentucky, and Geo: *hugs DC*

SC: Remember, the Confederacy is the best!

Confederacy, not looking away from his desk: Hey what happened with Kentucky?

NC: I, I don't want to talk about it.

Ohio, teaching the twins French:

Ohio: Can you say Wa?

The twins: Wa!

Ohio: ter?

The twins: ter!

Ohio: Water?

The twins: Ladola!

Ohio: *fucking dying*

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