bad day

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"Hey, H." Y/n smiled as Harry walked through their front door, closing it behind him after he entered. He hung his coat up with no reply and y/n simply frowned, starting to wonder what happened to him.

"Are you alright?" She asked softly and placed her hands on his shoulders. He visibly looked tense — stiff.

"Jus' had a bad day."

"What happened?"

"Had to do a lot..." He mumbled, pressing the heels of his palms to his eyes.

"H... can I do anything to make you feel better?"

"Anything. Jus' want you. Missed you so much." He sighed and loosely wrapped his arms around her waist, nosing her hair. The scent of coconut shampoo went through his nostrils and he closed his eyes, glad that he's finally back with her after all the stressful stuff he had to deal with today.

She led him to the couch where they both sat down. It felt like he was clinging to her but she didn't mind, stroking his sides softly while she tried to make him feel better. She felt bad for him. She felt bad that he had to go through such shitty people at work whilst still being polite to them. He was never one to snap at someone or hold a grudge but he still thinks that some people are just so rude.

"Make me feel good, please." He pleaded softly. She was laying down, her hand playing with his hair while he laid on top of her, resting his head on her chest.

"Yeah? That's what you want?"


"Alright. Get up f'me first, sweetheart." She told him and he nodded, getting off of her and standing in front of the couch while watching her sit up.

"Take your clothes off."

His clothes were now off, partially covering himself because he felt too exposed. She was still wearing a t-shirt and comfortable sweatpants, spreading her legs so he could get into them. She gave him a soft smile and encouraged him to sit on her lap, which he did with a small blush on his cheeks. He was straddling her left thigh, trying to stop himself from grinding against her. She pulled him in for a kiss and they both shut their eyes, making out with each other slowly and deeply.

Her one hand was on the back of his hand while her other was on his side, goosebumps covering his skin because of how she was touching him so delicately and softly. His hand was on the side of her neck, his tongue roaming around her mouth. They always loved how the other tasted. It was always so relaxing and comforting for both of them.

He was starting to get hard just from kissing her, almost unable to pull away because he didn't ever want to. He wanted to kiss her until his lips were swollen and raw with her taste still lingering in his mouth. He wanted her to keep pulling and tugging at his hair softly like she was doing right now forever. He didn't want any of this to end, why would he?

Her nails were gently scratching his scalp and her fingertips were running over his skin, moving lower, and lower, and lower.

Eventually, she pulled away from the kiss to breathe, resting her forehead against his. He opened his eyes and they flickered to her lips, admiring how wet and pretty they looked. Her nose bumped into his, warm puffs of air hitting her face. He was now staring into her eyes, another desperate plea rolling off of his tongue.

"Ride my thigh, sweetheart." She smiled and he blushed even more, glancing down at his half-hard cock, then back to her face.

"Okay." He agreed, slowly starting to move back and forth with a small moan escaping his lips as he did. His other hand was on her shoulder, holding it a little tighter than he was before. His eyes had fallen shut again, moaning softly as he rode her thigh.

His breath hitched when she felt hers against his neck. She pulled him a little closer and kissed his neck, pressing wet and spongy kisses onto him. She left marks, running her tongue over them gently to soothe the skin. She was also telling him praises, telling him how good he was doing and how he was a good boy.

"Fuck." He whispered under his breath.

"Does that feel good, hm?" She asked and he nodded furiously, his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he gulped. There was a blush that went from his face down to his chest, pretty marks adorning his neck that she gave him.

"Need," He whimpered before continuing. "Need more."

She only hummed before leaning her head down, licking over his nipple. He gasped with a shaky moan following after, sinking his teeth into his lower lip. The friction was heavenly, he thought. And her mouth made him feel amazing. His nipples were sensitive, they always have been. She loved playing with his nipples just to hear the sounds he'd make.

"Y/n, oh my god..." He whimpered, starting to move faster. His high was starting to catch up to him, sweat building on his forehead. Drops of sweat ran down his flushed face, groaning softly. She pulled away and he whined but she shushed him, placing her hands on his hips to guide him of his movements.

"So pretty, baby. Such a good boy f'me." She praised and he moaned softly. She looked down at his hard cock that was now leaking with precum, bringing her hand down to take some of it on her thumb. His hips stuttered from the sudden touch, but he went back to the familiar rhythm and pace he was going with in the first place.

"M'your best boy." He said, out of breath.

"Always." She chuckled.

"Open." She said softly and he opened his mouth, pushing her thumb into it. He suckled on it, running his tongue over the pad of her thumb. There was a burning sensation in the pit of his tummy, whimpering almost nonsensical words at this point. He sounded amazing though, she thought. She pulled her thumb out of his mouth and ran it down his chest, lighting touching his sensitive nipple that she had sucked and bit earlier.

"Please t-touch me. Please." He begged, getting drunk off of this insatiable feeling.

"Of course." She hummed and gathered spit in her mouth, spitting it onto her hand as lubricant. She slowly wrapped her hand around his cock and he groaned, his nails digging into the soft cotton of her shirt. She gently squeezed his hip, coaxing him to an orgasm.

"Need you to come for me." She purred, stroking him slowly and Harry nodded a little, soft and slurred moans leaving his wet lips.

"Oh god- I'm coming!" He cried out and her hand left his hip to hold his. She kissed his knuckles while watching him spurt onto her hand, listening to his loud calls of her name and soft whimpers. He was holding her hand tightly and she let go of his cock, grunting because he collapsed onto her. He was still panting softly, his breath hitting her neck repeatedly.

"Feeling better?"

"Mhm. Much."

"Need to clean you up..." She tried to get up but he whimpered, staying on her lap.

"Well I don't want sticky cuddles. And neither do you I'm assuming."

"Fine." He grumbled and reluctantly got off of her lap, now leaning back against the cushions on the couch. She left to get a towel to clean him up and a clean change of clothes. She came back to see him already dozing off to sleep, his head lolling to the side.

"Har..." She chuckled softly and started wiping him down, placing the clothes beside him. She had already changed into much cleaner clothing, wiping the sweat and cum off of him.

"Put some clothes on please." She said and he obliged, slipping on some clean clothing as well.

She laid back down on the couch and he got on top of her, toying with the hem of her shirt. His eyes were closed and her fingers were running through his hair. He pushed her shirt up a little more, almost as if he wanted it off of her. He looked up at her, his eyes soft and green. "Can you please take your shirt off?" He asked softly and she nodded, taking her shirt off. She wasn't wearing a bra and he hummed, taking her nipple into his mouth.

She moaned softly and shut her eyes, feeling him lick and suck gently. "Sweet dreams, sweetheart." She chuckled softly and didn't get a reply, looking down at him already sleeping peacefully. She closed her eyes once again and sighed contentedly, keeping her hand in his hair while she drifted off to sleep too.

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