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"He's coming over next week, Saturday."

"N-next week?"

It was about 10:30 in the morning and both Harry and Y/N were in the kitchen. Y/N had woken up a bit earlier than Harry, so she took it as a chance to make breakfast while he was asleep so he didn't have to wait. She was making pancakes, looking down at the pancake and watching intently, waiting for the batter to start bubbling. She also had a container of strawberries next to her that she wanted to put on top of the pancakes along with a bottle of maple syrup.

"Is that a problem?" She glanced at him, before flipping the pancake she had cooking in the pan.

"No." Harry replied softly, looking down at the plate of pancakes that were already cooked. He picked at the hem of his shirt, toying with the loose strand of thread that hung from the fabric.

Leo was a good friend of theirs.

"You can't touch yourself." She added on, making Harry's eyes widen to the size of saucers. Her tone was calm, her whole demeanor was calm, unlike Harry who was now flustered and unsure if he could hold on for that long. One week? He was probably being dramatic or something but Y/N liked to tease, she liked to rile him up until he was about to explode into a million pieces, and he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to get through the week with her teasing touches.


"Do you want strawberries on your pancakes? I'll cut them up."

She was now looking at him, already holding the small knife she was going to use to cut the strawberries in half. He knew she could see his flushed, pink cheeks, and he wished he could hide his face, but he couldn't. So he stood there, as flustered as he could ever be, unable to answer her.

"Hello?" She chuckled softly as she looked at Harry, who seemed like he had spaced out.

"Y-yes, please."


Harry wasn't going to get through this week.

The day had just started and Y/N was already teasing him, making him moan and gasp softly as they laid in bed beside each other. He was still groggy and sleepy, but the pleasure she was giving him had already registered in his brain, and he couldn't fall asleep now. He could only chase the pleasure. She was palming him over the shorts he wore to bed and eventually pressed her hand firmer onto him, making him whimper softly before starting to rut into her hand a little needily.

His hair was still a mess, some of it covering his face since he had grown it out quite a bit. His eyes were still closed. His brows were furrowed a little. His lips were still parted but they had moans slipping past them now, soft ones that only Y/N could hear. His arm was tucked under his pillow, his hand gripping the pillowcase a little. His other arm was draped over Y/N's waist to keep her close, his hand resting on her lower back.

"Open your eyes for me, H." She said softly and Harry complied, opening his eyes slowly and blinking the blurriness away to be able to see her clearly. She was looking at him, a small smile playing on her lips. His brows furrowed even further, a soft groan leaving his throat when she gripped him gently over the fabric of his shorts. He looked down at where her hand was, watching as she slowly slipped it past the waistband.

"God." He breathed when she pulled her hand out again, making her chuckle softly. She instead continued to touch him over his shorts, not giving him the friction he needed. He closed his eyes again, his moans getting a bit louder and breathy as time went on. He wasn't getting what he needed though, and he knew he wasn't going to get it, so he thought it'd be best to savor this while it lasted.

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