forgive me

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"Oh, f-fuck please, fuck." Harry whined into Y/N's mouth, one of his arms slung around her shoulders while the other stayed down, his hand gripping the edge of his wooden desk as he sat upon it. He was so noisy and needy, absolutely gagging for it, unable to stop himself by begging over and over, despite not even knowing what he was begging for at that point. His hair had gone a little frizzy from all the sweat that built up on his head and it felt like he was on fire under the shirt he was wearing, because he hadn't bothered to take it off before they started, too eager.

"What? What is it, hm?" Y/N smiled before kissing his cheek sweetly, before he groaned again, desperately trying to grind against her fingers, looking as pathetic as ever, panting heavily as his heartbeat pounded in his ears. Y/N had such an amused look on her face as she watched, enjoying how fucking filthy he looked, how needy and out of it he was. She lightly pressed the pads of her fingers against that sweet spot of his and he gasped wetly, back arching involuntarily a little, his hand gripping the edge of his desk so hard it felt like he could break it off.

"There, there, yes, fuck." He mumbled out and Y/N could barely understand him, making her chuckle softly.

"Here?" She said in a playful tone, pressing her fingers against it again and making his body tense up from the feeling, legs threatening to close even though he didn't want them to.

"Yes, please, please, Y/N." He panted out and Y/N hummed softly in reply, leaning down to mouth at his sweaty neck, her lips traveling down to his collarbone, until she eventually pulled away and took his arm off of her shoulders, making his brows furrow in confusion as she moved to stand between his legs instead of beside them, lowering herself until her knees hit the floor with a soft thud.

"What are you doing- o-oh." Harry gasped, looking down at Y/N as he felt her wet tongue around the fingers that she had shoved inside of him, both hands now gripping the edge of his desk. He forced himself to look at the clock on the wall and saw that people were going to start to come in and placed a hand over his mouth to hopefully muffle his moans, unsure of how he was going to fix himself afterwards.

a/n: priest!harry :)

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