sweet as cherry pie

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"You're back."

Harry's eyes widened a little once he saw the owner of the club—Y/N, he remembered her name because of how she made his cheeks heat up so furiously the last time he came to the club. She sat next to the stool next to him and Harry laughed softly, placing the glass in his hand down on the table. He watched as Zayn, the bartender, shook his head while handing her a drink and she shooed him away with her hand, taking a small sip from her drink with a smile as she looked back at Harry.

"Er, yeah, I'm back, I guess."

"What made you come back?" She cocked her head to the side a little, leaning against the table beside them both with her elbow, moving to rest her chin against the palm of her hand.

Harry shrugged, "Um, I don't know, really. Curiosity?" He laughed a little, taking another sip from his drink. He glanced at somebody who was being held by the leash attached to the collar around their neck, crawling on the floor on all fours, his eyes lingering on them for a little too long that surely Y/N had noticed, clearing his throat as he picked up his glass and took yet another sip, cheeks now a little warmer and pinker.

Harry saw Y/N's lips tug up at the corners a little and he asked a question, sitting up a little straighter.

"Do you come here a lot to, like... look around and stuff?"

"Yeah, I mean," She shrugged, "It's my club after all." She smiled. "Made friends with anybody yet?"

"Er, no, not yet. I might?" Harry laughed, feeling heat lick up his body, glancing at the other people having fun so filthily once more.

"Well, I hope you enjoy the place."

a/n: what if you start crawling, harry?

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