you're alright

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a/n : this is not smut but its cute so i had to put it in. this was also from blurb night that i had on tumblr last night! <3

"Y/N?" Harry said, walking over to Y/N who was sitting peacefully on the couch. She was watching a movie on the TV quietly until Harry came over.

"Hm?" Y/N hummed and paused the movie, switching her attention to her lover.

Harry sat down beside her and rested his head on her shoulder, immediately clinging to her. She felt warm against him and he couldn't help but close his eyes for a second with comfort washing over his body. His head was fuzzier than normal. His entire body felt fuzzy, especially on the inside.

Once Harry opened his eyes, Y/N noticed that they looked a bit glassier than usual, glossed over with unshed tears. His cheeks looked warm because they had a light pink tint to them, and it looked as if he was in a daze, too. He was clingier than usual, hugging her tight enough to hurt a little bit, but she didn't mind much.

"Kiss?" Harry puckered his lips, looking at Y/N with his pretty green eyes.

"Mhm." Y/N hummed and gave him a soft kiss on the lips, keeping their lips pressed up against each other for a little before pulling away.

"Again? Please?"

"Of course."

Y/N ran her fingers through his soft curls, her nails gently scratching his scalp. Harry let out a relieved sigh into Y/N's mouth, the touch he had been aching for finally given to him.

"Are you in subspace, my love?" Y/N asked Harry softly, now resting her forehead against his. He only nodded in reply, his cheeks warming up a bit more from embarrassment.

"Why are you embarrassed? It's okay if you're in subspace, H. Have you eaten anything yet?" Y/N asked and Harry shook his head no in reply.

"Why not? Go ahead and eat something. Drink some water too." Y/N told him with her brows slightly furrowed in concern.

"Can't I stay here with you? I can eat later, 'm not hungry anyway." Harry frowned, holding onto her even tighter.

"No... You need to eat something. C'mon, then after we can cuddle and watch a movie."

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