am i wicked?

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"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Y/N looked down at her shoes, smiling a little as she got comfortable in the box. She then looked back up and looked through where she could see the priest on the other side. She could see his black robes and his hands pressed together, resting on his lap politely. She decided to look away, continuing on with the deafening silence of the confessional, looking around the wooden booth, crossing one of her legs over the other.

"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." She said softly, "How long has it been? I'm not sure." She said and looked back at the priest, bringing a hand up to toy with her lower lip with two fingers. She already felt something brewing deep in the pit of her stomach, like lava starting to bubble from pure heat. The silence was starting to eat at her skin, chewing it away and leaving her more and more naked as it went on.

"Am I wicked, Father?"

She then heard shuffling, a smile making its way onto her face as the door to the other side of the booth opened, where he had left. She stayed in place, unmoving, legs still crossed over each other and hiding what laid between them. Her smile only grew when the wooden door in front of her opened and Father rushed in, leaving him standing in front of Y/N, his shins just barely pressed against her knees.

"Do you think I'm wicked, Harry?" She looked up at him as she stood up. "What does God think of me?" She brought her hand up and thumbed at his clerical collar, seeing his adam's apple bob up and down.

Harry stayed silent, bringing his hand up and taking Y/N's hand away from his neck. He didn't let go, though, and kept her fingers in his grip.

"Are you afraid?" She asked softly, teasingly.

He exhaled harshly throughout his nose, squeezing her fingers lightly.


a/n: ...

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