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"God, Harry, this is fucking divine."

Harry smiled brightly and felt a little giddy from how pleased Y/N was. He had tried a new recipe and he had spent plenty of time in the kitchen while Y/N was out at work, so long that she even had time to answer a few emails after taking a shower while Harry was scrambling all about the kitchen. She offered to help, but Harry was sure he didn't need it and kept insisting that it was a surprise, so she waited on the couch, waiting... letting her eyes drift to places...

"It's good?" He asked, taking a bite himself and she nodded enthusiastically, eating some more.

"More than."


"Such a good little housewife, aren't you?" Y/N mumbled against Harry's shoulder, one of her hands gripping his hip tightly while the other had two fingers shoved into Harry's mouth, pressing down against his tongue and making him drool down his chin. Her thrusts were harsh, keeping his back arched downwards a little as he gripped the kitchen counter with soapy hands.

"Have to at least give you something in return, don't I?" Her smile widened a little more and Harry started shaking his head, letting out muffled moans around her wet fingers. "No? Not even a little treat, as a thank you? You're too good to me, angel." She chuckled softly, taking the hand she had on his hip off to reach around him, starting to stroke him slowly, making his legs tremble just a little and his hands grip the counter just a little harder.

"Wanna spoil you." She murmured, "Give you everything you want."

a/n: i have SO much for you guys!!! blurb night happened a week ago over on tumblr and i haven't had the time to transfer all the blurbs to over here (translation: i'm lazy)!!!!! i'll TRY to upload all of them here and so that all of u guys can read and hopefully enjoy them all! :-)

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