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"Rock, paper, scissors."

"What—to see who fucks who?"

"Yeah, c'mon." Harry licked his lips, already holding up a balled-up fist, completely ready to win against Y/N. She was giving him a weird look and laughing a little and he only gestured with his fist that he was ready, making her roll her eyes playfully as she held up her own. As Harry was about to raise his hand, Y/N cut him off by speaking.

"Wait! How many to win? Three?"

"Wh- Three? No, just one."

"But that's not fair."

Harry narrowed his eyes at her, "Fine. Three."

Y/N smiled triumphantly, nodding as she and Harry both raised their fists and saying rock, paper, scissors at the same time before they released and showed what they wanted. Y/N had paper and Harry had rock. Loser.

"C'mon, again." Harry said and they did another round. Harry had rock and Y/N had scissors.

The next round, Y/N won again. Rock beats scissors.

"Last one..." She said teasingly and Harry narrowed his eyes at her again, determined to win. He wasn't exactly sure why he wanted to win so badly, he was fine with either ending, but still. He wanted to win. It was rock, paper, scissors.


Y/N had both her arms raised, fists balled-up in triumph. Harry slumped down further into the couch, putting on a faux pout while she just called him a loser and poked his side. Whatever. It was just rock, paper, scissors.

(She would've won nonetheless, anyway.)

a/n: i don't really know either but thanks for reading! :-)

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