darling, i will always cherish you

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As Harry slowly stirred awake, he reached out to the other side of the bed, where Y/N usually laid, a frown making his way to his face when he realized it was cold and empty. He rubbed the remaining sleep in his eyes before stretching his arms out over his head, letting out a big yawn. As he was yawning, Y/N suddenly came into the room, holding a tray of food and two red heart balloons that were floating up in the air.

"Happy Valentine's day."

"What? You didn't have to do this..." He chuckled softly, feeling his face heat up when she placed the tray down on his lap after putting the glass of water down on the nightstand, letting the balloons hit the ceiling when she let them go. She only smiled brightly in return and leaned in, giving him a big kiss.

"Shit, wait... I forgot something." She said urgently and started rushing out of the room once more, leaving Harry a little dumbfounded with his lips parted, no words coming out of them. He looked down at the food in his lap while waiting for her to come back, finding himself smiling as he stared at the fluffy pancakes with syrup and berries spilled over them, a small tab of butter sitting at the top.

He lifted his head back up when he heard her footsteps and saw a bouquet in her hand this time, making Harry's face flush even more.


"They're your favorites."

"I..." Harry took the bouquet from her hand, inhaling the sweet and fresh smell of the flowers, too flustered to even make up a sentence. "Y-you didn't have to do this, you know." He chuckled softly, hoping to god that blood would stop rushing to his cheeks.

She shrugged, picking a blueberry off of the pancakes she made, popping it in her mouth. "I wanted to. It's Valentine's day, Harry, of course I was gonna do something. There's a huge bear in the living room."

"I... Thank you. I love you. I love you a lot."

She smiled, "I love you more."


"You're like my own personal little angel." Y/N murmured softly against Harry's neck, listening to Harry's sweet little moans and gasps. She had been mouthing at his neck while stroking him slowly, teasingly, working him up and making him squirm. She had left a few marks because she thought it looked a little too bare, and when she was done, she pressed her lips against his with a small, pleased smile.

"F-fuck, thank you, thank you, thank you..." Harry whimpered into her mouth, tightening the hold he had on her hips, gasping wetly before he spilled all over her fist, making a mess on his stomach while unable to do nothing but gasp and moan.

"You're so cute." She commented after Harry let his head fall back against the headboard, eyes closed with soft pants leaving his wet lips. She ran a thumb over his lower lips, groaning quietly when he sucked it into his mouth in return, running his tongue over the pad of it.

"Come on, I have another surprise for you." She suddenly said and Harry's eyes widened.

"What—what? Wait, no, what about you? I'll-"

"I'm making today all about you, H. Whether you like it or not."

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