the sinful angel

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It was so wrong.

It felt so wrong, Harry could feel it deep in his bones. But he couldn't stop. He couldn't get his hands off of her. He was giving in, he was giving into temptation. But he couldn't get the feeling of her warm skin off of his own, he didn't want to. He loved the feeling of digging his nails into her soft hips, gripping them as he listened to her sweet whines and moans. He was giving into her and he was afraid he had gone too far deep now.

He could see the cross whenever he looked over her shoulder.

It even felt humiliating. It was humiliating because a being like him was being so sinful, so wrong. He was disobeying Him, but he didn't want to stop. He was drowning in her and he couldn't get back to shore. He couldn't stop looking at the cross, thinking about what it symbolized, the thoughts never leaving his pretty little head. He knew he'd have to soon beg for forgiveness but that was the last thing he was thinking of at the moment, his gaze switching from the cross to the woman in front of him.

The pure definition of sin was on his lap, moaning and whining and letting his name slip past her lips. She was so wrong and he was addicted to it. She looked so utterly beautiful in a way he couldn't describe and the way she felt, God, she felt fucking amazing. It was like she was driving him crazy, insane, and he was just letting it happen. Even the sight of her made him moan softly, eyes running over every single inch of her sweet body.

Y/N opened her eyes and saw Harry already looking at her, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She brought a hand up, pressing her index and middle fingers to his lower lip, leaning in.

"Look at it."

He knew exactly what she was referring to and now he had an even clearer view of the cross.

a/n: umm god i'm so sorry

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