good job!

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"What the hell?"

Harry blinked his eyes open when Y/N pressed her thumb against his cheek suddenly, bringing a hand up and pressing it against his cheek in confusion. He was lying on his back and Y/N was still on top of him, straddling him. Through his still slightly blurry vision, he saw a sheet of paper in her hands, now even more confused. Did she like reading printed out documents after sex, or...?

"What is that?" Harry mumbled out.

"It's a sheet of stickers."

Y/N turned the sheet of paper around and showed it to Harry, showing multiple rows of random star stickers that were in different colors and had text on them. Harry's brows furrowed even further and he took the sticker sheet from her hands, seeing one blank spot at the top left corner, and now suddenly understanding why she pressed her thumb against his cheek earlier.


"You told me you had a praise kink."

Harry let out a small laugh and threw the sheet back at her, trying to turn over onto his stomach to bury his face into a pillow, making Y/N laugh and place her hands on his chest, forcing him to stay on his back so she could see him.

"You suck." Harry mumbled, face now all flushed, and Y/N was still laughing evilly, burying her face in his neck.

"What, so it didn't work? It didn't turn you on?"

a/n: i'm sorry this has been on my mind for so long 😭

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