"that's mine!"

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Harry had a habit of stealing Y/N's clothes.

Sometimes, when he felt like nothing matched what he was wearing for the day, he would go over to Y/N's side of the closet, rummaging through it and eventually found something he liked. Whether it be a sweater, a vest, a T-shirt, whatever, he would take it. Not only was it because his own stuff didn't match his outfit, but because it just felt... nice to wear something that was hers. Having a piece of her on him all day.

Most of the time, Y/N always pretended that she was annoyed that he took her clothes, sometimes grumbling before Harry's kisses made her stop, because she secretly really liked it. She liked seeing him in her clothes, for some reason. It wasn't anything particular, really, it was just the sight of him in her clothes, it just did something to her.

"Hey, that's mine."

Y/N frowned softly when she realized while looking down at the arms Harry had wrapped around her waist that he was in fact wearing one of her sweaters, and one of her favorite ones too. She could feel him smile against her shoulder and tried to hold back the smile that was itching to crawl up onto her face, feeling his nose tickle her neck a little when he suddenly hid his face in the crook of her shoulder, murmuring quietly.

"Finders, keepers."

She laughed, "That doesn't even make sense! I found it, I bought it, so it's mine." She snuck a few fingers through the cuff of the sweater, admiring the soft yellow color of it and feeling the gentle fabric between her fingers. She felt him only hug her tighter, making her huff in fake annoyance.

"Don't act like you haven't taken my stuff, too!"

"But I gave them back! I've been looking for this for ages! Turns out you hid it amidst all your clothes."

"I only found it, like, yesterday..."

Her lips parted and she laughed again, shaking her head, "I saw you wearing this a few months ago, told you to give it back, and you never did."

Harry laughed softly, starting to pepper the skin of her neck with light kisses as if to appease her, trying to make it seem like those months of the sweater sitting between his clothes never happened.

"I'll share it with you?"

"Oh shut up."

Sometimes, when Y/N would be out for a while for her job and wouldn't come back home until it was late and the sky was dark, he would pick out one of her hoodies or sweaters to wear to bed. It felt better than being left with a cold, empty spot on the bed. He missed her a little too badly sometimes.

Harry couldn't sleep.

It felt like everything was stressing him out, like he was falling through the floor and couldn't get out. Everything was just irking him, keeping him constantly irritated and frustrated. Sure, cooking dinner and eating it on the couch with his and Y/N's cat, Green Bean (affectionately called Bean most of the time, felt pretty good, but now that he had turned all the lights off and was in bed, he just couldn't seem to get himself to relax. His brain wouldn't stop annoying him.

He scrubbed a hand over his face and sat up with a sigh, leaning back against the headboard. He looked over at the nightstand, where the book he desperately needed to finish lay, but ignored it because he wasn't really in the mood. The only other thing that was there was his phone, and god knows what would happen if he picked that thing up again, he'd probably spiral or something.

He rubbed his eyes with his knuckles, blowing out another sigh before getting up, walking up and over to the closet, opening it quietly before rummaging through Y/N's side, trying to find a sweater, any sweater, to wear to bed. Maybe that would help.

And it did.

Harry just really liked wearing Y/N's clothes, and Y/N really liked seeing him in them.

"This is mine, you know."

Harry was panting into Y/N's neck, thighs still sometimes tightening around hers as he sat on her lap, trying to come back down from heaven. His brows furrowed as he laid his cheek on her shoulder, looking down at the sweater he had been wearing the entire time. He could've sworn it was his, he remembered buying it himself.

"No, it's mine, what do you mean?"

She laughed softly, "No, it's mine. I bought it, like, a year ago."

The furrow in Harry's brow only deepened and he frowned, pulling his face out of her neck to look her right in the eyes.

"It's mine, is it not?"


"It's mine." Harry frowned even more and looked down at the sweater once more.

"You ruined it anyway, you can keep it." She smiled and sweetly kissed his cheek.

a/n: some fluff :-)

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