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Harry, stop being weird.

Harry wanted to be dominated.

He wasn't sure how this... thing awakened, but it was very awake and was shaking Harry's entire world. He would always choke on a little bit of air whenever Y/N called their goddamn cat a 'good boy', which always made himself weirded out because of how his body reacted to the two words. He wanted to be good for her, to listen to everything she would tell him to do—to be submissive in the bedroom.

Not like their current sex life was bad, no, not at all. He just wanted to try this, at least once, to see if it was just some thing his brain puked out that he couldn't seem to clean up.


"'M I being good?" Harry mumbled against the softness of Y/N's thigh, still a little hazy from the orgasm he just had. He was lying on his stomach with his head between her thighs since he obviously wanted to give her something in return, pressing wet kisses against her skin, licking her up needily.

"Yeah, fuck." She said breathily, tangling her hand in his hair. "Being such a good boy for me."


"What?" She opened her eyes and looked down at Harry, brows furrowed.

"I- er, good boy?"

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